The Store

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Deku's POV

    What?! Do I actually like him? How is that possible? I mean we've had a lot of history together, but do I really have feelings towards him?

    "Deku? Are you alright?" Uraraka  asked.

    "OH, YEAH! I'M TOTALLY FINE!! W-WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT?!" I said with sweat running down my back. I guess I surprised the poor girl with my sudden tone because she slightly flinched.

    "Oh...well okay..." she said. Suddenly, her face changed emotions faster than Iida's quirk. "Hey! Don't forget! It's almost your birthday!"

    "Thanks for reminding me! I actually forgot about that!" I said as I scratched my neck with a nervous laugh. Wow, I totally forgot that my birthday was coming up. I guess I was so distracted by school and training that the thought of turning 17 in 3 more days slipped out of my mind. 

    After that, Uraraka got a call from her mother saying to come home. We said goodbye and I headed home. All I wanted to do right now was lie down in my beautiful bed and push away my thoughts.

    "Izuku, could you get some milk from the store for me?" my mom called out as soon as I stepped through the front door. I sighed. Here I was thinking I could relax for once.

    "Sure mom!" I called back. There was no point trying to argue with my mother. I put my shoes back on and took of my heavy backpack filled with textbooks of all sorts. I made my way to the direction of the grocery store. 

Bakugo's POV

    After school, I decided not to go straight home. That old hag known as my mom was in a bad mood because my stupid dad got her mad over something. I didn't even bother to ask what was pissing her off. 

    I wanted to go somewhere where my parents wouldn't find me, so I decided to go to the grocery store. I needed to buy some gum anyway.

    I looked around the store until I finally found the gum section. There was so many different flavors but I barely noticed them because I knew which one I was going for: Extra Gum Peppermint. (A/N: *Ahem* Todoroki reference).

    "What the f***?!" I said under my breath after I saw the price: $3.00. Usually the price was 1 dollar at this store. I put my hands in my pocket and searched for my money. I pulled out 2 dollars which were crumbled due to the lack of space in my shirt pocket. Just great, I was 1 dollar off.

    Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice near me. I looked up and what do you know, it's that damn nerd.

    "HEY, DEKU!" I yelled. He stopped himself from his annoying mumbling and looked to the direction that my voice was coming from. His eyes went wide when he turned to see me.

    "GET YOUR A** OVER HERE!" I yelled once I got his attention. Good thing that he came over quickly before I got madder then I already was.

    "Hey K-kacchan, what's up?" he stuttered. Out of all the people I could have run into, I run into HIM?!

    "You got a dollar? I said simply.

    "Wait, what? You want a dollar?" he said. He turned a little red.

    "Yeah. Can you just give it to me?" I said, getting annoyed. I looked into his eyes. He seemed nervous about something. So nervous that his hands were shaking.

    "I--um okay, sure." he said as he fished out a dollar.

    As he handed me the money, both of our fingers touched. Deku jumped at the contact and turned even redder than he already was. I was kind of surprised that he would react this way. He's been acting really weird lately, weirder than usual. I caught myself staring at him so I looked away, snatched the dollar from him and put it in my pocket.

   "Can you stop acting so nervous for once?!" I said, irritated.

    "I get nervous because of you, Kacchan..." he mumbled quietly.

    "What?" I asked. I can never understand what he's saying when he murmurs.

    "N-nothing! Bye!" he said running away from me. As he turned away, I could see his face turn red like a tomato.

    I glanced at him as he ran off. 


*Hello there fellow humans! Hope you enjoyed this part! To be honest, writing a BakuDeku story is really hard for meh. Mostly because I have to stick to their personalities. Anyway, I'm going to stop complaining now. Have a great day/afternoon/night! PLUS ULTRA!~*

Bakugo x Deku: "Damn Nerd"Where stories live. Discover now