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Before I begin writing, I would like to acknowledge that all of the rights go to the wonderful queen also known as Suzanne Collins, author of The Hunger Games. A book series that has completely changed my life since I read that first sentence. I've been writing this story for a few weeks now and finally gained the courage to publish it. So, uh, read on!



Nearly ten years ago, a brave rebel warrior and Our Leader the Mockingjay defeated the rulers of Panem who forced The Hunger Games upon the 12 districts. It was announced that The Hunger Games would be no more and the arenas destroyed when Commander Paylor came into power. She was a strong woman, authoritative yet kind because she knew the hardships of the districts. She was fair and level headed and wise beyond her years, but she was no match for the formation that occurred four years after she assumed the role of President. These people wanted their Hunger Games back and they would not settle until President Paylor was gone and the Games returned. And so, in the fifth year after Katniss Everdeen changed Panem forever, a new president rose to power. His name was President Bartholomew, a bitter old man from district 1, and he overthrew the government silently so the districts couldn't stop it until it was too late. 

The districts have been reassembled and borders guarded day in and day out to keep the people from running away and living in the wild. Of all the things President Bartholomew did, the worst of all was the return of The Hunger Games. Everyone who thought the world was changed for the better was wrong, they were so wrong. We're back to where we were so long ago and there's no hope for the future now. The 76th Hunger Games is about to begin and these Games will be like nothing you've ever seen before. 

May the odds be ever in your favor.

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