How We Met

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I was skipping home from school. Along the flowered gardens of the country lanes. My long blonde hair was blown back by the gushing wind. Across the road was an old, fragile looking man. In his arms were a pile of books, the pile higher than his bald head.
One of the boys from school saw the poor old man. They decided that they should mess with the crumpled figure. I sprinted across the old stony path to stop the mischievous males from messing with the stranger.
As I ran across the broken path to stop the boys I fell over. The crumpled old man suddenly dropped his books and painfully bent over the my fallen body.

My head was pounding. Bang. Bang. Bang. I felt a warm soft hand lifting me up of the hard ground. Wearily I opened my eyes. At the start at I could see was red. I realised that it was my warm blood rushing from my massive cut.
I recovered from the red sight. I saw the boys talking but no sound was coming out. My ears were ring, it sounded like the bell from school but it kept ringing.
The talking seemed to take ages. But eventually the talk came to an end. The man stumbled to a old Cadillac and placed me onto the cool leather seat.
I felt myself sent from side to side and we went around the sharp bends. Eventually we came to a stop outside a giant manor like house. The squeaky door of the car opened and the old gentleman carried me over to the large oak doors. A tall beautiful woman opened the door not taking notice of the old man in front of her.
The supermodel woman walked way with the door still open allowing the two inside. A tired croaky voice called out for the beautiful lady. In the hallway the sound of high heels clicking against the floor slowly got louder. The woman hardly looked up from the phone to see how had called her but she still saw her precious daughter in the weak man's arms.
She let out the most piecing scream as she ran to the barely conscious little girl. " Darling are you okay? Talk to me darling!"
A small croak came from the injured girl.

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