How It Started...

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Story idea requested by DracorisTan and Suggested by TimFiaXYZ.

(Yellow's POV)

I've been wondering why have some of the other dex holders been getting injured? First it was Gold who lost his voice, then it was Red who lost his memories, and again it was Gold where his mother was taken away from him... forever.

Gold has been shutting us out ever since he lost his voice. Red hasn't been doing that.

We were hanging out at Red's house when Gold came in with bruises and cuts all over his body.

We brought him to the couch and questioned him.

"What happened!?" Blue asked.

"Guess I was just being stupid!" Gold mouthed.

He looked away. We can all tell he was lying.

I went ahead to heal him.

When I was healing Gold, I felt like I was getting weaker.

"Stop healing me!" Gold mouthed.

"Why?!" Red asked angrily.

"I just noticed! Yellow's getting weaker when she heals me! So please, stop, Yellow!" Gold was shaking me.

"Do you feel like that?!" Blue asked.

I nodded.

Gold walked to the door.

"Where are YOU going?!" Sapphire asked him.

Gold looked at her and mouthed, "Just going to Prof. Elm's lab!"

He exited the house.

"Is that where he's been staying?" Silver asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Gold's house is gone!" Blue said.

"No." Crystal said, "I help the professor there. Haven't seen him in there!"

That was when I fell to the floor.

"Yellow!" Red said.

Red quickly ran to my aid.

"How do you feel?" Blue asked.

"I-I feel..." I couldn't continue.

I got to the couch and laid there.

I do feel weak.

To be continued...

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