The Waitress And The Cinnamon Roll

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Cherry's POV

Hands getting cold, I put them under my apron to try in vain to warm them as I lean against the countertop, waiting for a new customer. The cafe's half packed and quite loud, and as my coworker rattles onto me about the trivial things he did last night with his partner I inwardly sigh, exasperated. I don't have time for boyfriends, or idle chit chat for that matter.

The doorbell tinkles and I automatically stand to attention, pulling my hands out from under the apron and resting them on my notebook on the counter. I watch a group of five older teens come in and sit at a booth near the window and before my coworker begins to move I'm off skirting round tables, grinding to a smooth halt at their booth and smiling in a composed way - anything to get away from talk of romance!

I clear my throat and begin. "Hello everyone, I'm Cherry Riegan and I'll be your server today. Any drinks or do you want to get straight to the food?"
"Ooh yes, the food, the food please!" A slouching guy with a beanie sits up excitedly until he's cut off by a sensible-looking woman wearing round glasses and a pink coat. "Actually, please could you just get us all a chocolate milkshake each? We don't want to be a bother." She blushes like it's not normal to ask innocently for an order and the rest of the group nod agreeably, and I write it down then smile quickly and shoot off.

Tadashi's POV

I sigh, leaning over the table and watching her as she works a machine. She's making our milkshakes. That's beautiful.

There's no denying from everyone including me that our waitress that just came up is a real looker; a classical beauty way too, as in she has no makeup on but owns it. And, obviously I don't know her, but it seems that she doesn't know it? Or at least doesn't care? Which one? I suddenly really want to know.

As I gaze I hear a chuckle and look to my left to see Wasabi beaming at me.
"What? What?" I ask, and he giggles again.
"You like Cherry, don't you?" I roll my eyes. Typical Wasabi to instantly assume it's love.
Gogo decides to weigh in, leaning over the table and getting a good look at the girl around our age, "She does look gorgeous. Good on you, normally you develop crushes on girls who are totally out of your league."
Fred butts in. "You mean you think that lady is in Tadashi's league?! No way man, she's way too pretty!"
"Oh, you should ask her out!" Honey Lemon shouts joyfully, slapping me lightly on my shoulders repeatedly in excitement, and I hush her in case the pretty brunette looks up or comes over with the milkshakes.
Honey looks guilty for a second, then regains her usual bright smile, "You should though. Or at least go up to her and ask. What's the harm in asking?"
"She might hear me!" I hiss right back, panicking at this discussion that's totally new to me, but out the corner of my eye I see Cherry load up a tray of milkshakes and my brain seems to rewire.

I'm out of the booth, winding my way through the tables, and at the counter in front of her before I blink my eyes fiercely and realise Cherry is staring at me opposite her oddly.
Then I realise that I just ran to her.
Oh Beyonce, that mustn't have looked right. To cover up my awkwardness I smile nervously and rest my hand on the tray.

"It-it's okay, I'll take them. You can have a rest, or... or talk to me on the way, cuz we've looked at the menus now you see." Actually only Wasabi and Honey have, because they're the only organised ones.
She looks understandably offput, and gently but firmly takes my hand off the tray.
"Thank you for offering, but I must do my job." She smiles at me in a way that looks practised and walks out of behind the counter and toward our booth; body still not responding to my brain I walk right behind her, and I can hear her sigh slightly in exasperation under her breath.

We get to the booth and whilst she places the milkshakes in front of each of us using one hand expertly I slide into the seat and watch her. Am I being slightly creepy? I think yes, and immediately turn my eyes to the milkshakes on he table. Don't be creepy, don't be creepy!

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