First Day, At U.A.!

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B.F.F./N = best friend name
Y/N = your name
B.F.F/G = best friend gender
Y.F./N = you full name
Y.N./N = your nickname

      Y/N was nervous as B.F.F./N walked her to the principal's office at U.A. and B.F.F./N knew this because she could see on the little device that told her   Y/N's blood quality that her blood pressure was elevated. (Sence her quirk relied on and effected her blood it was crucial to have some way to see her blood sugar, pressure, and amount) beeb "when we get inside you should sit down for a bit to calm your nerves, ok?" *nood*. B.F.F./N opened the door and the both walked in.

      When me and B.F.F./N walked in I found the nearest chair and immediately sat in it, and curled up into a little ball, as one does. B.F.F./N and Nezu started talking but I didn't pay much attention. Well not until B.F.F./N asked who was gonna "keep me safe" or as I like to call it be my honorary parent 😑.

      When I walked into class Aizawa told me to go to the principal's office. I didn't understand why until I got there and Nezu told me I would be looking after a new student so I said, "looking after a new student? For how long?"
"Now now Tokoyami. No need to get upset but I'm afraid you'll be looking after this student for all of her time here at U.A."
I was dumbfounded. "What!"
"I said no need to get upset, go ahead and what in the hall I'll call you back in when she's here"
I knew I shouldn't be upset so I walked into the hall a bit tense but when I got there I leaned myself on the wall and sighed which released the remaining tension. 15 minutes later Nezu called me back in. There were 2 people there a B.F.F/G standing at Nezu's desk and a girl curled up in the chair closet to the door looking at me with anger and sadness in her eyes. I have no idea why though, I hadn't even said a word to her.
"Hi I'm B.F.F./N,  I'm Y/N's previous caretaker" I decided to just introduce myself.
"Hay, I'm Fumikage Tokoyami. But you can just call me Tokoyami." At this the girl that was curled up in the chair got up and proudly stated,
"Greetings Fumikage Tokoyami I'm Y.F./N but you can call me Y.N./N" Once she stood up I could see she was wearing a black hoodie, black jeans with red lace patchwork, a black velvet choker with 'help' written on it in red rhinestones with some hanging of the bottom so it looked like dripping blood, her dangling earrings matched the drips on the choker, finally, her shoes were white Nike's with a red logo and fake blood splattered all over them.
"You two should get going" Nezu interrupted.
"K, oh B.F.F./N, I need the  monitor" I had no idea what she ment, but her friend handed her a little black device. She must've seen the confusion on my because she turned to me and said, "I'll explain on the way to class." And so we were off.

      While Tokoyami and I walked to class I explained the monitor to him, "This shows my blood sugar, pressure, and amount. If its green it's ok, it it's red it's low, and if its purple it's high." Other than some introductions when we got to class, it was really uneventful.

To be continued........

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