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Y/N P.O.V.
It had been a month since that night with Tokoyami. But we both got over the awkwardness and grew to be really close friends. Other than that things had been pretty uneventful, well apart from Bakugou and I having an argument. It took me half an hour to calm down after that.

Third P.O.V.
Little did y/n and Tokoyami know they had grown closer than just friends. They were so open with each other that it seemed like they were already dating.

Tokoyami P.O.V.
I woke up pretty late this morning so as soon as I left my dorm room Iida threw me an apple and ushered me out the door. Y/n was already halfway to school when I was finally out the door but I decided to just take my time on my way to class so I could eat my apple. Once we got to school it was kinda boring although Aizawa let us spare, well every one but Bakugou for obvious reasons, it was pretty fun actually. We spared until lunch and then y/n and I went to Power Loader's work shop because she had to work on improving her gear for her hero suit. We where talking to Hatsume and power louder but we where still outside the work shop talking to each other through the open door. I just kinda zoned out and was staring off onto space as Y/N talked to them. I looked back into the hallway which was still fairly full of bustling student on there way to class. 

Then my eyes fell app-on something horrible

Mineta. He was- he

He had grabbed Y/N's butt! No way in HELL am I letting that slide.

Dark shadow and I acted in an instant, throwing that pervert into the wall. I had wrapped myself around Y/N defensively. (he was growling as well but he hadn't noticed) 

Third P.O.V. 

*BEEP*  Y/N's blood pursue was through the roof. her heart was beating a million miles a minute. Tokoyami pulled away from her and put his hands n her shoulders, facing her. "Are you alright" there was clear worry and slight anger in his voice. dark shadow returned to is side right after he finished speaking. Y/N was unable to speak, she began breathing heavily. Tokoyami continued to speak but she couldn't hear any of it. She felt her eyes fill with tears as she began to feel dizzy. She looked up and saw an extremely concerned Tokoymi but only for a second before her world went black. 

Y/N had such high blood pursue she had fainted. Tokoyami, in a panic, lifted her and cared her to recovery girls office running the whole way there. 

Tokoyami P.O.V.

I nervously waited outside recovery girls office tapping my foot anxiously trying to calm myself down. Damn Mineta... if it weren't for him today wold have gone just fine! but NO! he just had to go and fuck it up!

Y/N P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to see recovery girls office, I slowly sat up slightly confused n the events that had happened prior. "Oh you're awake." I heard recovery girls comforting voice and turned to her. "Here take this." she handed me a small glass with slightly fogy, fizzy looking liquid. I drank it, naturally. Alka seltzer. "what happened?" I asked after finishing the glass of alka seltzer. she responded with, "It's best not to focus on that now dear, now you should get some rest. I'll leave you be." With that she left the room. I layed down taking her advice and son dozed off thinking of tokoyami for some reason....

Tokoyami P.O.V.

recovery girl walked out of her office and over to me. I would have asked something like, 'how is she?' or "is she ok?' but i was unable to speak at all. luckily she easily read it off my worried expression. "Don't worry, shes alright. Shes resting now, i suggest you do the same." she was about to walk away but she stopped herself and turned back to me, she had a sly look on her face. "in fact why don't you rest together?" she had the biggest smile on her face. My eyes went wide and i felt m jaw drop, was she serious? "go on, i insist. i have work to attend to so no one will bother you. now go!" she ushered me in to the office and shut the door behind me. I looked at the bed to see an adorable little sleeping Y/N. I couldn't help but smile. I ended up taking a picture, she was just so cute i couldn't help myself! 

I was really tiered from using dark shadow and also all the stress so i layed down next to Y/N. she was laying on hr side curled up a little so i just so happened to become her big spoon... and soon i feel asleep, it was comforting knowing she was safely in my arms.


"Hey, recovery girl could you help me with my bra-    aww this is the cutest thing ever!!!" *takes photos*

(hey guys i'm real sorry i don't post like at all any more but hears this, i tried but its definitely not my best work. also happy 1 year anniversary i guess?)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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