||Prologue ||

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Age 9:

The sounds of child laughter could be heard throughout the large golden castle.

Two young princes and a princess were running wildly around. Each takes turns to tag the other.

The loud laughter only belonged to a young Thor, Loki, and Freya.

The three had been friends since birth, their parents being great friends is what caused the bond, but they enjoy each other's company.

Freya would always come over every day to play with the boys and to gain knowledge about the magical arts from queen Frigga.

" Thor.....Loki your father needs to have a word with you" Frigga's voice interrupted the lot.

" what about me Godmother?" the young girl asked. Frigga gave her a small smile before extending out her hand.

" training with me of course, then afterward you three can play as long as you want."

Freya let a huge smile lift upon her face, training with Frigga is something she loved to do.

The pair watched as the two boys made their way to their father.


Odin was waiting for them in the underground war room. There held some of the most prized possessions in all of Asgard.

"Come look boys, here is your future. As the future king, this will be your responsibility "

The two boys looked at each other before moving closer to their father.

" When I'm king, I'll hunt all the intruders down and slay them all " Thor exclaimed.

Loki gave him a crossed look and turned his attention back to his father.

" Well when I'm king, I'll stop the intruders with my magic with the help the help of my queen of course!" Loki said moving in front of thor.

Thor looked at him crossed before harshly turning him around " A queen? Who would want to be your queen? You can barely look at a girl, let alone talk to one !"

Loki frowned at his blonde brother before smirking, " I think Freya would make a fine queen. I plan on asking her when father makes me king. "

" Freya will be my queen because father is going to make me king! Not you " Thor shouted back.

The two began to shove each other back and forth until Odin stepped in.

" Boys, boys, you're both fit to be king. But only time will tell who will take Freya's hand in marriage, and who will ascend the throne." He placed his arms around both of his children and led them back to the castle.

Age 18

" Thor, where are you taking me!! I'm supposed to be training with sif "

A now matured Freya was being pulled through the castle by an older and taller thor.

Over time the trio was reduced to a pair after Loki decided practicing magic was way more important.

Since then, Freya and Thor had been spending more time together. Anyone could see that they had feelings for each other,  more than normal friends.

But they would never admit to it.

" C'mon, it's not far," Thor guided her into the garden, filled with flowers and crops rich with color.

They stopped at the railing overlooking the kingdom. All that could be heard was the majestic waterfall that surrounded the outskirts of the golden palace.

" Oh, Thor this is so beautiful, but what are we doing here?" Freya turned toward him, letting the wind blow in her hair.

" Father has finally chosen who he wants to succeed him...... and he chose me."

Freya grinned wide and wrapped her small arms around his broad shoulders. " That's amazing thor, but what's wrong ?" she said looking into his eyes.

Thor closed his eyes and sighed. He had to make sure that this moment was perfect, sure he was happy about becoming a king, but he had one main question on his mind.

" Freya, becoming king is a huge responsibility. That is why it has to be shared with someone who has the kingdom in their best interest...."

Freya slowly nodded, she was trying to connect the dots but Thor still wasn't really making any sense. " Thor that's great news but I still don't understand why you brought me out here to tell me this."

Thor grabbed her small hands and looked into her eyes," My dearest Freya, I have felt a certain way about you since our parents have introduced us. Over the years my feelings have only grown."

The young prince pulled out a small golden ring with an opal stone in its center. " With this small token, I ask of you to join me in protecting this kingdom and become my queen."

Freya stood there in pure shock. Sure she secretly held feelings for thor, but she had always thought he liked sif or any other maiden that was not her.

"Thor, you do know what you are asking right?" He just gave her a slight smile before nodding.

It was a look she couldn't turn down, her whole life had been set up for this moment. She had known that it was agreed for her to marry one of the princes to unite the two kingdoms. However, she was happy that Thor finally worked up the courage to ask her.

" Well then, my answer is yes. I'll become your future queen"

 She allowed him the place the ring on her right hand. After thor's coronation, the ring will be placed on her left hand. Thor stood up from his position and beamed at the young princess.

This was his chance at starting a real relationship with Freya, and he wasn't going to mess it up.  Thor brought his hand and slowly placed it upon her face. His lips barely touched her, before she crashed into his.

Their lips moved together fighting for dominance, it felt like they were kissing forever until she pulled away.

"Now if you would excuse me, sir, I have to get going.... maybe we can meet again tonight?"

Thor rubbed the back of his neck before smiling at her," All of the stars in the universe couldn't keep me away."

Freya grabbed the ends of her gown and walked toward the castle, leaving thor to think about their date later on. 

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