Staff Meeting

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"Hello!" The two pro's turn to me, both seeming surprised at my sudden greeting. "Hello there little listener! You lost?" I shake my head and hold up my staff card, "I'm new here, so I thought it would be best to introduce myself to the staff while I can." Mic seems taken aback, presumably because of how young I am, and Midnight offhandedly remarks, "I heard there was going to be someone new, but I didn't think it would be a kid..." I nod with a smile and hold out both my hands, "Midoriya, Izuku." They look at each other and then shake my hands, "Yamada Hizashi, but call me Present Mic at work." "Kayama Nemuri, call me Midnight. Why did Nedzu even hire you? Is it legal? Wait a minute, do you just have a quirk that makes you look young?" Midnight asks in one breath, "No, no. I don't have that kind of quirk, and I am in fact twelve. I have no idea why Nedzu hired me." I scratch the back of my head, hopefully lying about that last part pretty convincingly. They seem to buy it. 'Nedzu hasn't told anyone about who I am. I think it will be best for me to stay at Aiza-kun's desk. It would be pretty tough on me if I ended up liking a staff member only to have them hate me for being a vigilante.' I share a small talk with the two before excusing myself so I can introduce myself to Cementoss and Ectoplasm 'I can't bother to strike up conversation with all the staff if they are going to avoid me for being a vigilante after.'


Throughout the first half of the day many different heroes cycled through, except for Aiza-kun. I guess since he is a homeroom teacher he just chills in the teacher lounge in between classes. 'Aka he is sleeping in the teachers lounge because it is more comfortable.'

The next time I see Aiza-kun is half a period before the lunch period, and after my 42nd win against the cpu on a chess site. "Problem Child, we're going to get lunch." I close the browser game and stand up, stretching myself and causing a couple cracks to sound out from my back. "Lead the way, Mr. Aiza-kun." He scoffs and starts walking, me close behind him.

Lunchrush seems rather surprised at me being there, considering my age and how I look younger than it, but was happy nonetheless to serve me some Katsudon and a water. I remember loving the dish at the orphanage, so I guess I'll see if I still like it after three years. Aiza-kun gets "The Usual" which I am unsurprised to see is fancy looking ramen and a coffee. He leads me to the teacher lounge, 'Maybe food isn't allowed with all the computers?'

We both sit on the couch and set our food on the table. "The staff meeting will be held in little bit. School is being let out early for it. You and me are going to wait outside the meeting room for Nedzu's signal." I cock my head to the side, "Does Nedzu like dramatic entrances?" Aiza-kun shrugs, "He doesn't want the teachers to stare at you while he explains your situation." I nod and start on my food.


"How much longer are we waiting here?" I groan as I stand next to Aiza-kun. He shrugs, "shouldn't be too long now. Oh, and don't worry about how you look like a hobo." I scoff and pat down my baggy green hoodie, "I'm not as bad as you on a daily basis." "I'm in my hero costume, you're just wearing sweat pants and a hoodie." I wave my hand, "Aiza-kun, there is a fine line betwee—" a beep comes from Aiza-kun's pocket, "Thats the cue." He steps forward and opens the door,blocking me from the many eyes that turn to the door. '14 staff members, huh? Rather impressive for how big the school is.' "Ah, welcome Aizawa!" Nedzu feigns surprise at Aiza-kun's late entrance. "I brought the kid." I hear the clap of small paws, "Excellent! Everyone, our new staff member, The ex-vigilante Phantasm!" Aiza-kun steps to the side and I put on a facade that matches his, aka tired and uncaring, but stand proudly. The room is quiet, until Present Mic shouts "That kid is a vigilante!?"

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