The first night

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Dick sent Gar and I to give Celeste a tour of the house and the base underneath. Terra refuses to help and raven and Robin where off doing god knows what, our on Night Portal. Superboy préfères to say out of this. Just his team joined us for the tour. But I have read Jinx's history and he's bad.

Why the heck is dick making us give a tour to a villain?!

But Gar seemed more enthusiastic than me. So he took the lead. I just followed up the back to make sure nothing gets stolen.

"This is Terra and Raven's room. Then Jamie ans I's room. Dick, Starfire, and Nightstar have the artic. I don't really knew where Damian sleeps. Or if he sleeps at all."

Laughed at this. It's true come to think of it. Damian mostly spends his time in the base down below. Maybe his room's Their. Ha probably the training room. He probably sleeps their all cuddled up with his sword.

Then we came to the kitchen.

This house is like any other house. Bed rooms, living room, garage, bathrooms, and kitchen.

"As you can see this is a pretty normal house." A devilish smile crept across Gar's face.

In the back I vilantly shook my head. Waved my hands. Anything to get Gar to stop.,

"But you wanna see the fun part?"

Bart's eyes lit up. "Yaaassssssss!"

Celeste just stared out the window to the backyard.

"You see this." Gar pointed to the fridge. "It's no ordinary fridge."

The he did it. The pressed the button. He switched the ice machine form cube, to crushed, to the new part Dick added, it was just a picture of vertical rectangle but when the fridge was set on it. Well...

The fridge door opened but there wasn't any produce over food. It was an entrance way to an elevator.

"Get in." Gar Credit us into the room. Ther was no buttons. The doors shut and things when things went wrong.


It all started a few weeks ago. The hive and I where trashing the city l'île usual. I didn't get the same joy I did before.

Roar, roar, flip a car, roar, roar, slice the power line. Screaming people. Then they should show up.

The "heros" Everyone would cheer. I would get my butt handed to me on a silver platter.

I never look back. Metaphorically and litelry. I didn't want to see the ray of l'île and the joy the hero's got form kicking our butts.

But that day. I did. I looked back.

I saw this little girl walk up to Terra. Terra!!! She handed her this little stuffed bunny. That's when I realized.

The titans Where doing this because if I join opposing us. Like how we have fun opposing the law.  They did it for them.... the people.

Beast you

Celeste started to Freak out. It started with her face turning form a faded peach color to pale white. Droplets of sweat started to form on her face and she became to be get out of breath.
She leaned on the wall with her hand on her throat.

"What's going on?!" I asked putting my hand on her back.

"She's claustrophobic probably." Jinx pulled me away.

"How much longer is the elevator ride?"  Bart zipped around the already small area making it seem even smaller.

Suddenly the elevator shook violently and we stopped.

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