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"Dear Jeongguk," Taehyung erased the writing, "Dearest Jeongguk," no, too formal, he sighed, settling for "Dear Jeongguk." It was his first couple days in Seattle and he noticed that the weather had always seemed to be rainy or cloudy. He didn't take a fondness to particularly stormy weather, so Seattle was a place he already didn't quite adore. Taehyung looked away from his window, ignoring the obvious sounds of thunder outside.

"Hi! It's been a few days, and now I'm settled down in Seattle. It isn't very sunny here, since the rain and thunder is always so constant. How are you? I hope you're doing good. I won't lie, when we first got our apartment, I laid in bed and cried for a bit, and my mom came to comfort me. She's taking the moving thing really hard, and my dad has been upset since it's so hard to find a job. We barely have enough money for me to get my own apartment, so I'll have to get a job too. I'm scared. I have to learn English so I can even get a job, and I don't know anyone here so I don't know who can teach me. I feel lost, what should I do, Jeongguk? Maybe we can just keep writing letters to each other, and that will ease my pain. I miss you." Taehyung put his pencil down, rubbing the forming tears from his eyes as he didn't want anyone to know he was crying.

"Come visit me sometime. Take a break from school, you work too hard." He smiled as he wrote the last part. Satisfied with his letter, he folded it nicely and tucked it into a white envelope. He decided he'd mail it off tomorrow since he needed to go online and find himself a possible job. He rubbed his face in frustration when he saw an easy job, working at a small coffee shop, only to see that the only open position was to work behind the cash register, and Taehyung knew he couldn't do that given the obvious, that he couldn't speak English. He scrunched his nose as he saw another coffee shop, this one a bit smaller but looked to be filled with only female workers since it came with a uniform, and Taehyung wasn't desperate enough to wear a skirt. He scrolled and scrolled and sighed as he declared that day of job surfing as unsuccessful. He hit his head against his desk harder than he wanted to and whimpered as a response to the feeling of the wood on his forehead.

"Taehyung-ah! Dinner!" He heard his mother call and groaned.

"Coming eomma..."


"Coming!" He sighed and stood up, pushing his chair aside as he walked down the short hallway to the small dining room area. Taehyung took a seat beside his dad, looking at his empty plate with sadness. He missed his friends, especially Jeongguk, and he missed Seoul. He looked over at his dad and saw a similar expression. "Did you find a job yet?" He asked.

"No." He replied unhappily, "Did you?"

"No.." Taehyung replied in the same tone as his father, both feeling as if they've failed. His mother's attitude was completely different from theirs though, since she was always reassuring them that tomorrow was another day and that they could try again.

His mom sat beside him and served their food, Taehyung poking at it sadly as he went over memories of him and his friends having fun together. He sighed and took a small bite, letting the unfamiliar flavors fill his mouth. He wanted comfort food, but was always left with disappointment since nothing sparked his memory of home or food he ate with Jeongguk. 'Poor Jeongguk,' he thought, remembering his hurt expression and tears when he had to leave him at the airport. It always stuck with him and he never forgot about it. 'I wonder how he's doing without me.' Taehyung knew it must have been hard since Taehyung was one of Jeongguk's only friends, and his best friend. They were inseparable soulmates that had been brought together,

And now they were thousands of miles apart. Just the thought of the two being that far apart made Taehyung's eyes fill with hot tears. He could help but let a few fall before wiping them away. He felt his mom's hand on his shoulder and felt a bit better, but it still stung.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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