requested by @ErrorExeIsGAY
Error sighs. He's in his void, looking in Nightmare's mansion with an orb to stare at one person. A very cute monochromatic skeleton with one red eye and a scar under this eye of the same color.
Cross is sitting on the sofa, eating chocolate. He's staring at Dust and Killer with an embarrassed expression, since Dust was roughly kissing Killer, not letting him time to say no because Cross was here and had been pinned to the sofa by the murderer.
Cross soon leave the two because it got heated and flee to his room, embarrassed and a bit sad. Error would love to come and get Cross to smile...
... the Destroyer looks at his wounds. Missing ribs, broken bones, and all the stuff. About stuff, he doesn't have those to heal him. So, he just hides them with magic. So, no one will worry, especially Cross.
Once he made the illusion, he jumps on a portal. He walks to Cross, who's face lighten at Error's sight. He goes to him and hugs him happily. Error suppress his pain as Cross is hugging his broken ribs. Error hugs Cross back happily. He's his cute bean and seeing him happy make him happy.
"it's be long time since I last saw you..." complains Cross.
"$0rry... !nk !$ p3r$!$t3nt th0$3 la$t t!m3$."
Error knew at Cross's face he worries. He takes Cross slightly in his arms to comfort him, and the little monochromatic hugs back, clutching at the destroyer's vest.
Cross knew something is up with Error but doesn't know what. And he wants to know before it's too late. Too late to save him and or to confess.
The answer soon come to him, and he hated it...
Error came back from a fight, severely injured. And then, Nightmare discovered. He told the rest of the gang and Cross at the news, teleported to him.
Error is laying on a bed, breathing heavily. His eyes are closed, thought he's not sleeping. He opens his eyes to see Cross, crying.
"why haven't you said it?"
"! D!dn't want t0 W0rry y0u."
"but I already was. Since a long time. I knew you hided something..."
Error couldn't answer anything. To say what. He shrugged the question off. Cross sits at the edge of the bed and takes Error's hand in his.
"Nightmare said you can't be saved." He says with a broken voice.
"!'m $0rry."
"about what?"
"n0t say!ng t0 y0u. But ! w0uldn't w0rry y0u and 3nd3d up w0rry y0u m0r3..."
"Error, we could save you if you spoke... what am I gonna do without you?"
Cross breaks down and cries, keeping Error's hand in his. Error grips Cross's hand with his and the other come up to pulls his transparent purple tears away.
"! am r3ally $0rry..."
"I-I am more t-to not notice sooner..."
"c0m3 h3r3..."
Cross come on the bed in Error arms into a hug. They lay down and just hug each other 'till Cross fall asleep. Error noticed it and his stare come to his door.
"c0m3 !n N!ghtmar3."
The goopy skeleton enters the room with a poker face.
"you knew."
"ab0ut my d3adly $tat3 0r ab0ut y0u f0rc!ng Cr0$$ t0 $leep?"
"both. Why didn't say nothing? Why?! No wait... you didn't want to seem weak and didn't want to bother us, don't you?"
Error nods as he's stroking Cross's head. Nightmare stares at them and sighs.
"It'll be difficult for him to pass over your death. He really loves you."
"! L0v3 h!m t00. But... w!th !nk... ! d!dn't want h!m to b3 a targ3t..."
"He's losing everything... he'll end up killing himself one day."
Cross wake up in his bed with the terrible feeling of forgetting something. He couldn't find what, but he lost something. It's confused, Cross went to the kitchen. He says hello to his comrades.
Nightmare, at the entry of the kitchen, stare at Cross before going back to his bedroom. He finally accepted to do Error's finals words.
"! D0n't want h!m t0 $uff3r m0r3 than h3 had... pl3a$3."
Nightmare looks at an orb on his desk. He took away Cross's feelings toward Error. It was the better to do to keep Cross alive...