Happieness Is Found

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Hey so this is a one about suicide but i hope ya'll like it its not the greatest but i yeah thank you for reading xox AmberJane xx

There once was a girl who was always happy and smiling, she would always be talking every moment she could get, she was never sad but that all changed. The girl is full of sadness and thoughts of death, no one seems to notice her distress. She was the girl at the start but because of the monsters in her head they broke her piece by piece until there was nothing left but death. People at school didn’t help they increased the pain she tried not to listen she tried to turn away but they just kept finding a way to bring her down.  She’s tries to change her ways but she just can’t stop it’s an addiction that won’t stop.

Just today she was sitting alone again because she the weirdo of the year, she cut this morning it was the tenth time this week…. The sad thing is its only Wednesday, As she sits there listening to music she looks up the see looks of disgust as they stare glaring right through her she tries to ignore them but their stares are burning into her skulls. The bell rings and she walks to class while walking she gets pushed around. Her apologies go un-heard to everyone she sees but the reason she is apologising is for being alive. As she gets to her final class everyone is laughing and pointing at her, they throw things, say things to her back. They don’t think se notice but everything is heard all the
“she’s so weird”

“Look at that pig”

“Oink, oink”

“I hope she dies”

That last one hits her hard... That’s it tonight they finally they get their way, I won’t be on earth anymore but they don’t care they want be dead so I’ll just do what they said.  As the bell rings to end the day I leave and go to the place where I’ll be set free.

So now the girl full of death is over the rail of the bridge looking down at the rushing water. She should be scared but she’s smiling a real smile, a smile that hasn’t been seen in 4 years.  This girl is all alone, there’s no one on the bridge just her and the night. So how do I know she is her? Because I’m that girl I’m the one about the drops. As I look down I smile because I see happiness, freedom, life. So as a let myself drop I fell the air flying above me then for a split second I fell the ice cold water before I fell nothing but blackness.

Hey so that was it and i hope you all liked it if you did dont forget to vote and comment xxo-AmberJane Fradd

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2014 ⏰

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