Chapter 2: Guard Of Honour

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"Happy birthday Maa!"

"Thank you Kunal!" Replied a visibly pleased Meenakshi. As she showered him with her love, she noticed Abir walking past them in the corridor, engrossed in his own thoughts, totally oblivious to their existence. And she called out to him. "Wouldn't you wish me, Abir?"


"Bhai! It's Maa's birthday today. Won't you wish her a happy birthday?"

"Happy birthday Maa. Have a nice day." Said Abir. His tone was so formal, so devoid of any affection, he could have very well been wishing a customary 'good morning' to his college principal.

"Oh, come on Bhai! You can do better than that. There's a party tonight! Atleast show some excitement."

"I am excited Kunal... just a little busy at the moment. I'll see you at the party. Bye... bye Maa..."

"Bhai! Why have you become busy all of a sudden? You used to be the one planning all the events earlier."

"I was always busy Kunal. But took time out for family, no matter what! You chose to ignore my work at the NGO and thought I had nothing better to do. But now I have to take care of the NGO as well as the family business, which strangely, you have lost interest in. What is it that keeps you at home these days, brother? You haven't been in the office for almost a week now." Abir said, a hint of concern creeping into his deep voice.

"Nothing. Nothing at all! I just want to enjoy the luxuries while they last. I think I have worked hard enough all these years to be eligible for a holiday once in a while. What say, Maa?" Kunal said brightly.

"Ofcourse! Why not? Take as much time as you want. I have everything under control at office. And Abir is there to help me. So you need not worry at all!" She confirmed for him.

Abir gave him a tight smile and walked away, deep in thoughts. It was so unlike Kunal to stay at home. Abir had always been the one to tell him not to be a workaholic but he never listened. And now, when Abir needed him by his side at the office, he decided to take a back seat.

Abir had joined the business after his breakup. That was more than three months now. Kunal had been there to support him. It was only now, for the past week that Abir could sense some kind of shift in the way his younger sibling was behaving. He behaved rather differently... not picking up his calls, taking off to somewhere unknown every now and then, skipping important office as well as client meetings... Not that Abir minded the extra work load. He was used to being overloaded but this... this was different in a way and yet, he was not able to pin point anything in particular. That had him worried for his younger brother. The fear of unknown gripped him, not letting go of the omnious feeling of an impending doom. Kunal's behavioural changes had Abir concerned but he kept his feelings to himself and decided to let things sort themselves out. He was in no shape to fight any more battles than he was already fighting. Probably, Kunal was just tired with his monotonous life and genuinely needed a change. Abir made a mental note to talk to him later about this and went about continuing with his routine. He had to get done a lot of things at office before he attended the party. Not that he wanted to, but he was under obligation to be in attendance tonight. He was one of the hosts, afterall.

It was a huge gathering. Kunal it seemed had invited the whole town for his mother's big day. Meenakshi Rajvansh had successfully completed half a century of existence on mother earth and that was supposed to be a reason to celebrate, though a few of us would dare to think otherwise. Anyways, off to the party for now...

As always it was a lively atmosphere, vibrant colours and brightness lighting up every corner of the grand old mansion. The whole set up was exuding an other worldly charm that only royals could have afforded. In short, the Rajvansh family lived upto their reputation of maintaining the pomp and show. The guests had arrived and with all of the who's who of the town, the Maheshwari family also marked their attendance. Vishambhar had wanted to skip the event. He couldn't bear to stand in the vicinity of Abir and Meenakshi. For him, they were mortal enemies. But he had to give in to Kuhu's demands. Especially after Yashpal Rajvansh had come to personally invite the whole family. He couldn't bring himself to say no to the kind hearted father figure, standing in front of him with folded hands. Even Kunal had called repeatedly for the last two days. He was left with no other option but to face the person who had caused his beloved daughter a bitter heartbreak. To make the matters worse, Mishti was accompanying them. Kunal had specifically requested her presence and had promised not to make it awkward for her.

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