Chapter 3: Friends, Philosophers, Guides And Confidants

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Abir willed himself to look straight ahead, lest his wandering eyes seek her out in the crowd. The last thing he wanted to witness tonight were those pretty eyes. He could weather any storm, brave every hurricane coming his way, but not her eyes. That, would be his undoing. He dreaded looking into those bespectacled jewels of hers. For the nth time in the last three months he wondered what would he find there... Love? Understanding? Sorrow? Disappointment? Anger? Disdain? Loathing? Or worst of them all... Pity? He knew she understood him like no one else did. Not even his mother not his brother either. It was she, who knew every inch of him, his mind and his heart. She had resisted him, but never ever questioned WHY he had wanted to breakup with her. He was sure, deep down she knew he had his reasons and those had nothing to do with her so called insensitivity as he had branded it that day. So, walking out of the grand party hall, with his beloved Nanko by his side, Abir did everything in his powers to avoid her and look straight ahead... and there she was, standing right by the exit! His eyes betrayed him and he stole a quick sideways glance at her when he walked past the spot where she was standing with her Jasmeet chachi. Such grace, such poise... she was beauty personified. His eyes worshipped the goddess of love but she wouldn't know. Thank God for the shades...

...Damn the shades! He had been so close and yet so far. She couldn't get a good enough glimpse of him. Why did he have to wear shades for an indoor party? And that too at night! She wanted to drown herself into those hazel eyes of his... the gateways to his soul. They often spoke to her more than he did. And he used to be quite a chatterbox when they were together. Those beacons of light almost always used to give away his deepest desires and his best kept secrets without him uttering a single word. She knew he had had reasons and they were related to his family. But the extent of the problem was revealed only now. Now, she finally understood where exactly things went wrong. She had wanted to confront him. To tell him... what exactly would she tell him? She herself was so confused, so taken aback by the turn of events! She had known the truth about Kunal's lineage for quite some time now. She didn't get a chance to tell Abir herself when she had found out. But the way the truth unravelled in front of a crowd, she had not been prepared for it.

He had sacrificed their love for the sake of his family. He was so loving, so caring, so forgiving... an epitome of selflessness. But then, he had broken her heart. For the welfare of his brother, he made her suffer. He broke his promises so that he could provide for and safeguard his own brother... how rude, how selfish... how inconsiderate of him! How could he betray her like that? How insensitive!

Insensitive... that's what he had branded her. He had accused her for being insensitive and not caring enough towards him and his family. Then he went ahead and did the same to her. A tit for a tat. Scores settled. Is that how it was supposed to be? To keep a score in love? Do people keep a score in love, ever?

She insulted her family to protect her sister's future... He insulted her to keep his brother safe. She withheld a vital information about his father from him... He kept her in dark about the reasons for breaking up with her. She left him to get her sister married to his brother... He broke up with her to protect his brother from his own mother. He had come after her to stop her from leaving... and she... She stood still and watched him leave.

He was leaving and she was rooted to her spot. Her glassy eyes kept staring at the back of his retreating form as the tall, lean and intimidating figure of Abir Rajvansh walked out on everyone present there, with his head held high. His message loud and clear... His brother was his topmost priority and he won't let anyone come in between them. Not even her. Period.


"Bapuji... Bapuji, please let me explain! I love Kunal. He is my son. I never wanted all this to happen. I never intended to turn him away. I was just..." wailed Meenakshi.

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