zach herron call me a vsco girl am sad now

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I am waking up from the sound from my living room i get up from bed and start heading to the living room and when im about to go down down the stairs i fell and crack my head and i saw a man sitting on my couch start to sing humpy dumpy and i was laying on the floor dont want to get up cause his singing is to beautiful i dont even care my head crack open he starting to laugh because i was bleeding so i start to laugh too but then everything when black i wake up in my bed it was just a dream am very sad he was a cutie and i was hungry so i go to the kitchen and there he was cooking cereal(i need therapist)and he give me the cooked cereal and i say

y/n:thank you for cooking cereal

men:you welcome juliet

y/n:me name not juliet me name is y/n what you name(i really need a therapist)

men:me name is zack herron and you not juliet then you a vsco girl

after he said that he disappear am sad cause he call me an vsco girl am big sad am not a vsco girl i go back my me bedroom and cry me self to sleep.


guys this is a joke dont take it seriously this is just for make you laugh lmoa i was making this for fun only so dont take this shit seriously.:)

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