You look stunning☁️

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Samantha was sitting on the couch and reading a comic in the avengers tower, Loki was in the kitchen and The Avengers were on a mission meaning, Samantha and Loki were left alone.
Samanthas birthday was today but everyone forgot.

Well thats what she thought..

Loki got her a outfit that matched his, he knew she would like it. He went to his room and got the present, it was in a green and black box with a red ribbon on it.
Loki walked to Samantha with the gift behind him and smiled "What are you reading there sweetie?" He asked

Samantha looks at the comic "just some comic i found at the bookstore, its about some superhero that turned into a villian" she then looked at him "are you holding something behind your back?"
Loki smirks "maybe.. maybe not.." then shows her the box "Happy birthday dearest"

Samantha takes the box and looks at Loki "you remembered?..." she asked with a smile as he smiled
Samantha jumped out of the couch and gave him a tight hug, Loki hugs back and kisses the top of her head "open it up love" he smiles

Samantha takes the gift and opens it, there was a dress (the photo above) that matched lokis outfit "I love it!" Samantha smiled as she looks at the dress. Loki smiled "im glad you do love.. put it on" Samantha walked to her room "Stay here!" She shouts as she closes the door and puts on the outfit
After she puts it on she comes out of her room.
"What do ya think?" She asks Loki

He smiled

"You look stunning"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2019 ⏰

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