The Truth Too Late (OkiKagu)

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3rd Person's PoV

A fatal mistake was made. Her clothes now soaked with her blood. A bullet shot through her chest. Her fast regeneration can't save her now. Vision slowly fading, she could hear Sougo shouting her name.

"S-sadist?" Kagura said .

"Oi!!China! Don't you die on me!!! Stay awake!!" Sougo said.

Sougo ran to Kagura's side. He pressed the wound to stop it from bleeding. She slowly closed her eyes.

"China! Can you hear me? Open your eyes damn it!" Sougo shouted.

"H-hey...D-don't shout at me....S-*cough* sadist a-aru" Kagura said weakly as she coughs up blood.

The blood wouldn't stop to the point where Kagura laid in a pool of her own blood.

She knew it would be too late, Sougo knew that too, but he couldn't accept that. He knew Kagura was strong.

Kagura listened as Sougo tried to keep her calm, he must have known how scared she was. Her heart was pounding, her lungs barely takes in air anymore, her entire body was falling numb and was starting to grow cold.

Kagura weakly grabbed Sougo's hand. He took her hand in his and looked at her.

"O-oi China....Help's coming soon, just wait a little more okay?" Sougo said gently. He was shocked by his actions but said none.

"S-sadi....I-i mean Sougo.....Sougo I-" 

"No. Don't." Sougo said. "Don't you even dare do that China. Don't you say last words. I'll kill you if you do. You're going to be fine. I promise." 

"S-stupid bastard....Don't make promises y-*cough* you can't keep aru" Kagura said barely a whisper. "It's over aru."

"No it's not! What's this is China going to give up this easily?? Are you going to die just because of that stupid bullet! You're a Yato for God's sake!" Sougo shouted this time tears starts to form in his eyes.

"I'm not giving up...I-its just that...I-*cough* I can't do this anymore aru. It bad." Kagura said a tears start to fall from her eyes.

"Chi-..K-kagura...Please just stay alive, keep breathing, stay alive, don't leave me, please." He said, tears falling from his eyes.

Kagura watched as he cried over him, telling her not to leave.

"W-what's this? Is sadist crying?..h-*cough* haha I-*cough* s-should have brought a c-camera with me aru." Kagura whispered and smirked lightly.

"I'm not crying China... You shouldn't be talking. Danna and Megane will be here soon." 

"S-sou-chan...I'm sorry.. for everything...aru" Kagura said as breathing became harder.

Sougo's eyes were filled with tears again because of this. He remembered his sister. How she died. How she left him.

"O-oh're being more of a crybaby now aren't you?" Kagura smiled a little.

Kagura's breathing became lesser and her body feels so cold. She knew this was it. One last chance.

"S-sougo...W-wo ai ni...I love you aru." Kagura whispered as tears fell from her face.

Sougo paused for a while. He tried to say the words back but he couldn't, it wouldn't come out. He tried again but realized that Kagura's eyes were closed.

"Ch-china?" He asked. No response. He shook her a bit. "China?" This isn't funny anymore." He shook harded but received no response. "K-kagura?" He looked at their hands and loosened his grip, her hand quickly fell.

Sougo's eyes widened and shook his head. "N-no.." He looked for a pulse and couldn't find anything. 

He froze as he looked at his beloved lifeless body. He lifted her up and hugged her. He then silently sodded. He felt the pain and sorrow of losing someone he loves then again.

Kagura please know that I love you too, I always have and I always will. Please remember that I will love you always and forever. You are my rival and my beloved. Even if you didn't know how much you meant to me...And now you never would.



Forgive me for the OOCness of the two of them...I'm not good at this I know..

But I love doing stories and I love all of you, my dearest readers!!

Please vote/comment!! Constructive criticism is welcomed!!~

That's all! Hope you enjoyed it~

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