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I watched as all the first years came up to be sorted. Even Harry Potter.
"Now we have a student transported from an america who is in her seventh year. Amber fillish please make your way to the sorting hat," Dumbledore said when all first years were sorted.

A young woman with fiery red hair and brown eyes, walked forward.

A young woman with fiery red hair and brown eyes, walked forward

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She was gorgeous and looked very matured for a student. My attention was immediately on her. And my mind was blown and i couldn't help but stare.

She sat down and Minerva put the hat on her head

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She sat down and Minerva put the hat on her head.
"Well what a parentage," the hat said loud enough for me and the professors to hear.
"This is difficult. A slytherin like your father or a Gryffindor like your mother?" The hat questions.

"Either would be fine  hat," Amber says sweetly.
Her voice was silky and warm. I smiled gently.
"SLYTHERIN," the hat shouted.

My house table erupted in a cheer and clapped. She had a small smile. But i knew not a genuine one. And in those eyes were filled with fear and sadness.

She sat next to Draco and he kissed her hand. Something rose up in me that was quite familiar. Jealousy.

(Timeskip to mid-year)


I was in potions and was watching longbottom fail. Then all the sudden his cauldron exploded and the burning liquid landed on my arms. I fall out of my chair and screamed in pain. Professor Snape rushed to me and snapped his head to longbottom and Granger.

"You idiot. 35 points from Gryffindor. And miss. Granger run to the hospital wing and tell them what happened," he snarled.

He picked me up and slowly walked cuz if he went fast the passing air will make it burn my skin faster. Granger already disappeared and longbottom was getting nasty looks.

I look at Snape and groaned. He looks down at me with fear and worry.

Finally we made it and he layed me on a bed. Madam Pomfrey was rushing around to collect the ingredients for the antidote.

She stops and looks at me.
"Why did you stop?" Snape growled.
"Whatever was added makes it where the antidote won't work properly," she whispered.
"How can she heal?" He asked.

She looks at me and i quickly understand so i nod.
"I know but you have to leave," she said and pushed him out and went with him.

I cleared my throat and started to sing the ingredients of the antidote.

"Two ounces of thug root, a cup a pumpkin juice, a tablespoon of sugar, a bite of wolfsbane and a drop of blood from a loved one" i sang.

I felt the burns go away and sighed in relief. Madam Pomfrey and Snape walked in and they had shocked faces.

"What a vioce," she said.
"I agree," he said.
"How did it help the burns though?" He asked.
"Music is very powerful sometimes," she answered.

I nodded, thankful she didn't spill one of my dark secrets.
She smiled and Snape looked between me and her.

I gave him a innocent smile. He turns around but i swear i saw the corners of his mouth rise. He leaves and i sighed.


I saw Ron's rat and it climbed up my leg. I smiled and put it in my hands.
"Cute little thing," i grinned.
Ron walked up to me and sighed.
"Thanks I've been looking everywhere for him," he smiled.

I hand him his rat and the rat licked my hand.
"Huh... he never does that," ron said.
"Rats only do it to people they really like," i said matter-factly.

He rolls his eyes and storms off. I felt tears rise in my eyes. I walked to the professors table.
"Albus i think its time," i whispered to him.

He nodds and i look at Snape. He was even more handsome from this angle.

"Good luck Miss. Fillish," he smiles.


The candles went out and there was a hum. A hum that was hypnotizing, beautiful, and magical.

"I will return," a silky voice whispered into my ear.
I regonized it immediately. It was Amber's.

I felt lips quickly kiss my cheek and i tried to grab her but was met with empty air. The candles lit up again and Amber was gone.

"Where did Miss. Fillish go?" Quirrel screeched.
The great hall burst into chaos and i jumped out of my seat and rushed down corridors. But she wasn't there.

I saw Quirrel talk to himself.
"Where is she?" He asked frantically.
Why did he seem so worried?

Why was i so worried? Her fiery hair and hypnotic brown eyes clouded my mind. And all the thoughts that ever crossed it was replaying like a record.

But one question haunts me. When was i going to see her again?

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