sixty- four

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Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours, hours into days, days into weeks. I got back last week from the pop up shows but still nothing..

~16 days later~

"You can't keep sitting here jonah its not good for you. Shes not waking up anytime soon. Go home and get changed, I'll stay with her." Tate says. "You will not be staying with her you and your 'minions' are going away for good." Hayleys dad says holding her cuffed arms. "Im telling you, tate didnt do anything wrong, neither did the others they were helping us. Hayley will say the exact same thing when she wakes up" adam says.

"ITS BEEN OVER TWO WEEKS SHES NOT WAKING UP" he shouts "... your times up tate you got your chance to come back here but now its back to the cell" he says again. Why cant everyone leave? "Adam back to the office" he says. Adam had no other choice but to leave. "I believe in you hayley please come through for us" she says before getting dragged out of the hospital room. i could hear the argue walking down the hall.

It was just me, lisa, esther and my dad. I was holding onto her hand like i was most of the time. Only she moved. "Oh my god" i say. "Hayley" esther shouts."Damn my heads sore" she says just about opening her eyes. She squeezed my hand.
"HAYLEY" her mum jumps hugging her. "Baby" tears came down from my eyes. "What happened? Esther? Tim? Mum???" She says looking around the hospital room. "im so glad your awake" i hug her. The nurses came in checked her over. "What happened to me?" She asks as i put a pillow under her head.

Esther looks at me. "Come on we will get something from the shop" tim says to esther. They nodd at me. "Honey im going to call your dad" lisa kisses her forehead. "Why is everyone ignoring my questions?" She asks me as soon as everyone leaves. " i dont want to upset you" i say squeezing her hand. "I only just got you back hayley, you were in a coma for 16 days" "at least i got a good sleep" she says and i slightly smile.

"Oh come on why so sad im here now" she says. If only she knew. "Hayley do you remember what happened?" I ask. "I remember to the part where we .. had an argument, then its blank" she says. "Im sorry for whatever it was that we were arguing about it probably was my fault and not important" she says softly. "Babe no, j was being overprotective about you, tate and Adams mission. Its my fault your in here" i say.

"Jonah stop its not your fault" "hayley you dont know what happened" "then  tell me". "We argued, i didnt want you to get hurt, then you finally give up and told tate and adam to go but you went outside for fresh air and.." "and.." she looks into my eyes. I had to look down. "You got shot in the stomach by larkin, tate tried to save you but it was to late. You really scared me you lost alot of blood the doctors didnt think you would make it" i explain.

She looked devastated. "Im sorry i pjt you through that .. again" "dont say sorry again its never your fault". She doesnt say anything. "I knew you would pull through you always do". She smiles softly with a tear rolling down her eye. I sit up beside her on the bed, she moves over and puts her head on my chest. I rub the tears from her eyes. "Theres one more thing, i wasnt going to say this just yet" tears started falling from my eyes.

"Jonah its alright i have been in this situation 500 times before" she rubs my arm. "Before you were shot when you were feeling sick. They know what it was now". She looks at me confused. "Hayley you were pregnant". Her face lights up for a spilt second. "..were? No. I lost our baby didnt i?" She crys and i pull her into my chest. Then i start to cry. "Its all my fault" she cries. "Hayley listen to me its not your fault" "how did i not notice?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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