TGA • 1

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A/N: Yeah, I know... The picture of Komurasaki/Hiyori above is actually an oiran, not a geisha. Oh well!

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The wooden, paper door slides open, allowing the unaccompanied man in the ryōtei (a Japanese-style inn) to finally meet his entertainers.

Two women dressed in elegant floral kimono was being escorted inside the room by his trusted bodyguards.

The man's lips curved with satisfaction as he eyed the young beauty next to the older woman. Her dark hair was styled in an elaborate shimada (hair style) with beautiful kanzashi (hair ornament).

As the two women settled in front of the patron, the older woman took out a koto (Japanese string musical instrument) and placed it in front of her. The young geisha knelt down and sat in front of her client. Her eyes remained looking down, unwilling to look at her client until upon his permission.

The middle aged man quickly gestures his men to leave the room.

One of the underling approached the boss and advised, "Sir, please limit the amount of time for tonight's visit. Since we are still currently at war with the A Clan, we shouldn't let our guards down."

The man barely acknowledged his underling's suggestion. His eyes were still locked on the young maiden. He quickly shoo'd his pesky underling away and continued pouring himself sake (Japanese rice wine). He was growing impatient and annoyed. He wanted nothing more than to see the young geisha showcase her cultured art.

When the two bodyguards exits the room, the older woman began playing a fine tune on her musical instrument while the geisha pulled out her decorative fan and starts dancing to the musical rhythm. She incorporated a few fan twirling techniques within her dance, immediately astonishing the single VIP audience in the room.

Once the show ended, the client merrily clapped his hands to recognize the entertainer's talents.

"Marvelous! Absolutely marvelous!" he complemented.

The tipsy man ordered the geisha to come sit next to him before signaling the older woman to get out of the room. The two entertainers complied with the client's request.

Once the older woman was out of the room, the man scooted closer to the young lady. He ordered her to pour him a drink. She obediently obliges. The geisha lifts a bit of her sleeve, being extra careful to prevent her sleeves from dipping into the sake cup.

Enticed by the minimal amount of skin shown from her delicate hands, he suddenly places his hand on top of hers and gently caresses it. It was exactly how he imaged them to be - soft and smooth.

The geisha's cheeks reddened. She quickly drew her hand back. "S-Sir~"

The man giggled at the geisha's shy response. He couldn't resist his manly urges any longer, so he pushed her down on the tatami floor and pinned her arms apart while hovering his larger body over her smaller frame. His sleazy eyes preyed on the young woman laying underneath him. He was eager to taste her.

The geisha panicked. "S-Sir! What are you doing?!"

"Ahaha, don't act like you don't want it! I'll pay you double for this extra service."

Without her verbal consent, he leaned forward and planted wet, sloppy kisses on her cheek and neck.

"S-Stop it, sir!" She struggled to get away from him, but she couldn't.

He didn't listen to her pleas. He just continued to defile her neck. Her whining caused a harden erection down his pants. Of course you want this, he thought to himself. The more you resist, the more I want you.

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