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"W-what?" Jimin gulped, fear and shock overwhelming his small body upon hearing his previous head alpha's words as he snatched Yoongi from Namjoon's arms. 

"You're not leaving. You both are staying. The only way you'll leave is if I get my Seokjin back!" Namjoon spoke up, his voice louder and more threatening.

Jimin held Yoongi close to him, knowing full well after 17 years that he was on the verge of a panic attack. Jimin didn't even blame him or discourage Yoongi's fear as Jimin himself wanted to cry.

Jimin felt himself instinctively submitting under the alpha's dominant gaze as he towered over the quivering blond boy. "Be a dear and make me a sandwich won't you?" Namjoon asked, eerie authoritatively and Jimin was screaming at himself to deny the request. Yet he nodded and bowed. "Y-yes H-Head Alpha Kim..."

Yoongi watched dreadfully as Jimin sent him a pitiful smile whilst leaving the room- leaving him with Namjoon- correction- with a monster.

"Oh Yoongi, have you seen all the shit you caused?! All because you're such a fucking selfish little omega! If you hadn't had ran away, my luna would still be here!" Namjoon bellowed the second there was a gentle slam of the door. Yoongi whimpered in shock and horror at the outburst and Namjoon smirked.

"Oh? You're scared? What? You want your precious TaeTae to help you?" Namjoon mocked the omega sadistically as the boy squirmed and writhed in his agonising clutch. "J-Joonie... p-please! I-I'm sorry! I love you, Joonie, y-you're my family!" Yoongi cried out desperately as he tried to pry Namjoon's hands out of his hair. Namjoon laughed again, his laugh full of rage, full of betrayal, full of insanity.

Oh, how Yoongi longed for his alpha.

"Family?! Fucking family?!" Namjoon growled into Yoongi's ear loudly. Yoongi almost screamed as he felt his frail body get slammed against the cold, hard wooden wall. "Family don't betray each other, Yoongi!" he added and Yoongi sobbed as he stared into the eyes of the Head Alpha that he once trusted, looked up to and was inspired by. But this wasn't his Joonie.

This man... this monster in front of him was not the Kim Namjoon that had raised him.

"Hey, Head Alpha Kim, Bri- I mean Young K has some questions about~ o-oh? A-am I interrupting something?" a voice- a scarily familiar voice asked. "Not now, Chan!" Namjoon bellowed as his gaze turned towards the Australian Alpha.

Yoongi's eyes widened as the pieces of the puzzle he didn't even know existed pieced themselves together slowly. Chan was working for Namjoon. Chan had mentioned a higher-up, could Namjoon be the one who was planning on overthrowing Taehyung? If that was the case then that would mean that Namjoon had been the one to order Chan to attack Yoongi, he had been the one to send Jeongin to spy on him. 

The more Yoongi thought the situation through, the more heartbroken he became and the more painful the epiphany was. Namjoon was the traitor.

Chan looked from Yoongi to Namjoon and back to Yoongi. "Head Alpha Kim, please release him," Chan spoke softly, his eyes not leaving Namjoon's. Namjoon growled and released Yoongi, the aforementioned omega falling limp on the ice-cold tiled floor. Tears streamed like endless waterfalls from his hazel orbs as he sobbed so violently that his thin body shook like an earthquake.

Chan knelt next to the omega and brushed back the raven coloured hair that was clinging to his forehead. "You're a disgusting man, Kim Namjoon," Chan scoffed before Yoongi felt himself get lifted into his arms. Yoongi whined, not feeling safe, not having that sense of security he was used to with his alpha or with Jimin. This was the alpha who had tried to claim him, for Heaven's sake.

Namjoon remained silent as he watched Chan leave the room with the omega, not feeling any guilt nor remorse for his actions. After all, it was 'that wretched omega that caused me to lose me Seokjinnie!'

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