day 7 | joy to the world

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"A soulmate is like a best friend but more. It's the one person in the world that knows you better than anyone else. It's someone who makes you a better person. Actually, they don't make you a better person, you do that yourself.

Because they inspire you.

A soulmate is someone who you carry with you forever. It's the one person who knew you and accepted you and believed in you before anyone else did or when no one else would. And no matter what happens, you'll always love them.

Nothing can ever change that."

— An excerpt from Dawson's Creek

SHE WAKES UP to the sound of the birds singing and a song in the form of a gentle hum; underneath a warm blanket in the arms of the man she's grown to adore as much as her own life

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SHE WAKES UP to the sound of the birds singing and a song in the form of a gentle hum; underneath a warm blanket in the arms of the man she's grown to adore as much as her own life.

If someone were to ask her a week ago if she'd ever imagined being this close to anyone, she would've laughed it off and told them that she was meant to be alone. Not being able to fit in or make friends as easily as anyone else. Feeling distant and lonely even when she's surrounded by a sea of people. Pieces of her heart never being returned to her after she'd offered them to the people she used to love, instead, trampled on and left to wither on unfamiliar grounds until she'd gradually become empty on the inside.

Until hope came in the form of a smile as bright as the sun, and eyes that twinkled at her with so much kindness and adoration, as if to give the illusion that the light in them was a reflection of herself.

Kim Taehyung was a light at the end of the tunnel; like the warmth you'd get as soon as you step into your house on a cold winter's evening, like the fresh feeling left behind after rainfall, like the flowers blossoming prettily during spring.

He was a light that came whirling into her life,  thrashing and maddening like the storm he is, sweeping her entirely off her own feet with  his own endearing ways.

Endearing. Everything he does is endearing. Weirdly endearing, but still so, so endearing.

He's the boy who'd wake up in the middle of the night just to go out for ramen at the 24 hour convenience store. He's the boy who'd dance like a maniac in the middle of his living room half naked at 2 in the morning when he got a little tipsy, the boy who often drops his rice grains on his clothes and doesn't hesitate to pick them up before shoving them back into his mouth, the boy who randomly storms into her apartment just to blurt out two random words that make no sense all for the sake of seeing her dumbfounded reaction.

He just makes it all too easy to love him. And maybe, just maybe, Soojin has loved him all this time, far before she had realised it herself.

"Love?" Taehyung whispers, his nose buried in her hair. He wraps his arms tighter around her body as he leans down to plant a kiss on the side of her neck. The little gesture makes Soojin squirm, feeling a little ticklish but not wanting the feeling of his lips to go away.

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