The one where Percy hates the Avengers pt1

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Peter groaned as he swung off once again after a bike thief. Like honestly, if you're gonna steal something don't do it in plain sight. But why would someone even steal a bike? To sell it or something, Peter thought. "Oh Mister Bike thief! That bike isn't yours!" Peter yelled only to be ignored, which he suspected.

He followed the man into an alleyway, crawling down the walls before shooting some webs at him. Peter heard the whirring of repulsers and fought back an eye roll. Iron Man was after him again.

After he webbed up the thief, Peter parkoured his way to the rooftop, seeing Iron Man, Captain America, Falcon, and Black Widow standing in front of him. "Um... can I help you?" Peter stutters before averting his eyes to the sound of someone climbing up the fire escape.

A teenage girl with white hair and blue eyes, wearing black skinny jeans, converse, and a hoodie- no Peter's hoodie. That he gave his best friend. Because she was cold.

"Percy?" Peter asks the girl and she smiles, giving him a backwards piece sign.

"Sup loser." She snickered and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What're you guys doing here?" Percy asks the Avengers with a raised brow. "Don't you guys have more important things to do like destroying cities and building murder bots?"

"Percy!" Peter scolds but she just rolls her eyes.

"We're here for the Spider-boy. We have to take him into the tower to make sure he isn't a nuisance." Tony replies and Percy choked on the air, her face pale.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Percy looked at Peter who placed a reassuring hand on her lower back.

"Fuck all of you. Spidey, I'm going with you." Percy said turning back to her friend.

"No you're not."

"Um what's happening?" Sam asks the rest who just shrug in confusion.

"If they're taking you their taking me too Spidey."

"Percy they don't have to know. No one does." Peter grabs her hands and looks her in the eyes.

"But I'm not leaving you. The last time that happened a building fell on us." Percy chuckled and Peter rolled his eyes. "Ohana means family, family sticks together. You're all I have Spides. You and Aunt May are all I have left." Spidey sighs and pulls her into a hug.

"Fine." Percy smiled and kissed his cheek. "But there has to be ground rules."

"It's the same rules for when we're in our bedroom! No blowing things up or shooting people. I know I'm not 15 anymore." Percy roller her eyes. "It's all or nothing. Let me talk to our guy in the chair and I'll see what we can do about all that homework we have to do over this month. I was thinking about doing it but then I was like, that's an interesting ceiling." Peter chuckled and the pair turned to the Avengers. "So what's it going to be?"

"Both of us or neither?"

The Avengers huddled into a group as if they were speaking of a game plan. The duo once again rolled their eyes and started whispering to each other. "Alright. The both of you can come." Stark said and the two teens fist bumped. "You two wanna share a room or would that be weird?"

"It would be weird for us not to. We've shared a room ever since we were babies when my parents gave me up at his doorstep. We did everything together, remember that time we crashed Flash's dad's brand new car? Oh my gods that was so much fun." Percy laughed and Peter wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"That really was fun. But I really should've let you drive cause it was a standard."

"Yeah I would've gotten is there in no time at all! Just like I'm going to get to the tower in no time at all. Eat my dust Spider-boy!" Percy did the spider hand thing and started webbing herself towards the tower.

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