dating them includes > pt 1.

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- him being overprotective
- getting jealous easily
- he's very clingy
- loves cuddling with you
- heaps of forehead kisses

- calls you beautiful 24/7
- takes you on fancy dinner dates
- heaps of couple pictures
- his fans love you
- stares at you a lot

- makes tik toks with you
- loves to tickle you
- let's you hang out with the boys
- can get jealous easily
- talks to you in his baby voice

- he's very shy
- constantly reassuring him he's good enough
- making fun of his height
- he tells you he loves you a lot
- is very overprotective of you

- heated make out sessions
- calls you mamas all the time
- hugs from behind
- he gives you a lot of hickeys😳
- talks dirty to you a lot

- he sings to you a lot
- his parents love you
- plays with your hair all the time
- neck kisses
- calls you baby girl

authors note :
hope u guys are enjoying these preferences so far! sorry they're really short, should i add more people? if so who? thank u guys for reading and don't forget to vote! this story is also inspired by "EVERYTIME" by someone but i forgot their username! 🖤 love u guys bye.

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