how much you guys have s3x.

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- everyday. he's a horny little shit lmao.
sometimes y'all miss a day but mostly everyday.

- 3 times a week. he doesn't see it as "s3x" he sees it as being connected to his girlfriend. he enjoys it because it's with a special person, you.

- once a week. surprisingly he's not very horny. but when he is, he makes sure you'll be screaming his name.

- you guys rarely have sex. maybe one week a month. alvaro enjoys it & wants to do it more. but he's too shy to ask. + he doesn't want to annoy you.

- whenever he can. he loves it. he loves you. he loves your body. he loves the way to talk to him. he loves the feeling of you on top of him & underneath him.

- twice a week. he doesn't want to hurt or pressure you. sometimes you guys will do it three times. but he just enjoys spending time with you.

authors note : sry i haven't been updating, and thank u for 600 reads ily guys sm ahhaha. this was rly s3xU4l SORRY SKSGJSJS

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