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"Dammit, Aurelia!" Oscar called out, ignoring the fact he was chasing after her in a shopping mall. He could care less if anyone recognized him right now. The sight of her running off was something he swore he'd never allow happen again; yet it did.

She willed her legs to run as fast as she could, as far away from Oscar as possible, face down. Suffice to say she knew now revealing her scar was a mistake. What was she expecting, really? That nobody would take notice of a ruler length line across her cheek? She could have sucked it up, handled it a little better if the verbal abuse happened when she was alone. But in front of his friends, seriously? She never want to see any of them again.

"Stop!" He caught up to her this time. He'd allowed her to run the past few times only to not overwhelm her. He held her back by her waist, tugging her to his front with a slight impact. "Just stop, please." He pleaded.

Oscar would have wanted to punch the living daylights out of those two bastards, all right. But Vanessa was right; it wasn't worth it, not when Aurelia was running off and needed him more. He trusted his friends to do a good job on his behalf. Now, who could help him with her instead?

"Let me go." She managed to grit out. Lord, help her, she was so done with this. "I said let me go!" She shouted, her voice trembling.

"Not in this lifetime." He lifted her small frame up and her legs instinctually wrapped around his waist.

Fine, she thought to herself. What was the point of fighting anymore? She'd humiliated herself enough.

Oscar carried her all the way to the parking lot where his car was parked. She said no words. Didn't even sob. She laid her head on his shoulder quietly and he had to fight himself to hurry the fuck up. He didn't know what to do. Oh no, he was clueless. But hell would he let that stop him. If she needed to yell, he'll let her yell. If she wanted to hit him? He'd stand there with open arms. He was always a man of few words. But if all she needed was to hear him say something? God he would. He felt like he'd die for this girl.

She sat wordlessly in his passenger seat, uncaring about where he was taking her. He kept stealing glances at her but she stared out the window like a statue.

How else could her life possibly get any worse? She'd already suffered from a permanent mark, lost her jobs that fed her and now she couldn't even step out of her home in peace. She never liked comparing herself to others' misfortunes but dear God, she couldn't help but think she must be jinxed.

Each time she assumed she was already at the bottom, and the only way left was up; life simply had to prove to her she wasn't. That there were far more things that could drag her down until the day she decides to stop breathing. When exactly would good things start happening to her for once?

Everything would've been different had she not show up for work at Mythic that night. She shouldn't have gotten involved with him. Oscar Wilde. There didn't seem to be any explanation left other than her life taking a 180° turn as soon as she met him. Sure, she wasn't all that happy before. But at least she was contented with what little things she had. At least she still felt pretty then. At least nobody shunned her at the sight of her face.

So why was she still sitting in his car? She should've fought him, get away from him. He's the very reason her life was ruined! Maybe it was unfair, but it simply was easier to put the blame on him. Because all she could think of was the fact he got to live his life as per normal while hers would never be close to normal ever again.

Her buzzing thoughts halted when the car took a turn into a neighbourhood she didn't recognize. One look and it screamed rich. Glass windows, sleek and modern with a view of the sea; she probably wouldn't have any regrets if he brought her here to murder her. Maybe he was getting tired of her drama too. She didn't have any family anyway. God knows she'd be ready to go.

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