Chapter 1- The first meeting

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I remember seeing you on the first day of school. By then, I knew most of the people in our new class due to summer tuition, but you? I've only heard rumors. They said that you have a twin brother in the next class, that you're super smart and cute.

"His brother is cuter, " one girl told me, at first, I was confused, how can one twin look better than the other?  They told me you are more on the chubby side and is normally cold towards fellow classmates while your brother is more lean and bubbly.

But after looking at you after first glance, the chubby statement flew our the window. Standing at 6ft with a lean body shape, how can you be called chubby? Well, you do have a rounder face than Sam, but nah, I still like you better.

You know? At first, I wasn't that interested in getting to know you, to me,  your just another boy in our class, with a pretty face, that's that. The wish to unravel your cold demeanor  didn't really start until we were sitting diagonally across from each other.

You were always talking to Alex, and nobody else, I don't know why, but that pissed me off a bit. It's high school! You're supposed to make friends and mingle with your classmates, as in plural, not just one. So I decided, that's help you get to know each and everyone of our classmates, starting by remembering names.

But there's actually a deeper story behind pushing you to remember our names, because I once asked you if you remembered a boy that used to be in the same class as you, you shook you head and said no. That scared me a little, because I don't want to be forgotten, so I did it. I made you memorize the names of all our classmates.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2019 ⏰

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