I N T E R M U N D A N E - II

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The three of us were currently in the bathroom, since Lani pretty much signaled an urgent mayday, immediately after we took our shots.

"This place is fucking lit! Oh, I'm having so much fun!" Patricia grinned, while leaning against the bathroom counter

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"This place is fucking lit! Oh, I'm having so much fun!" Patricia grinned, while leaning against the bathroom counter. "I mean, this bathroom is air-conditioned!" she flapped her arms around excitedly, bringing to mind a stressed out flamingo.

"Patricia!" Lani looked at her, while she was washing her hands. "I am in a full on crisis here!"

"Why?" I asked her from my spot next to her, where I was checking if my make up was still in place.

"Why?" Lani whipped her head around so fast, I thought she was going to have some kind of neck injury, with that fragile, little neck of hers.

"Ela, those boys out there are from CNCO," she practically shrieked.

"Okay ..." I said slowly, as I was drying my hands, with one of the fresh, soft, white, plush hand towels on the counters.

"Um hello! You guys know them! We always listen to them when we're playing Kings Cup" she looked at both Patricia and I, and we in turn both looked at each other, shrugging.

"Para enamorarte, voy a ser quien llega primero a tus sueños y así también dormida podrás besarme. Para enamorarte yo voy a cantarte" Lani started singing, trying to desperately juggle our memories.

"I don't know if you're just singing it really badly, but I don't know this song at all," Patricia laughed "It's not ringing any bells" she shrugged her shoulders. 

"Oh my god, Patricia, you dumb fuck!" Lani exclaimed, going from 0 to 100 real quick, full Albanian activated.

"The guy out there, with the bandana on his forehead – " Lani began

"Ah, homeboy with the bandana is what I've been calling him in my head" I grinned at my hot-headed best friend.

"Oh my god, Ela, focus" Lani stared at me, moving her hands in a swift, back and forth motion. 

"The guy" she enunciated "is the guy I've been telling you about that I find really, really cute," she explained.

"Did you?" Patricia asked, confused.

"Great guys, thanks for not listening to me, all those times I talked about him" Lani gave us the Albanian look.

"Hey, we listen – " I began

"When it's important" Patricia finished, grinning.

"Wow, best friend of the year right there" Lani rolled her eyes, while pointing at Patricia.

"As I was saying" she gave each of us a pointed look "Joel, is Mexican – so totally my demographic" she groaned, releasing some sort of pent up sexual frustration for the said Mexican, "and he's so ridiculously hot! I literally went completely deaf when I saw him."

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