Chapter 5, Dan

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Chapter 5

Dan threw his books in his locker, slamming it closed before the books could fall out. He sighed. He hated Wednesdays. It was only lunch time, but Dan already felt physically and mentally drained. He felt something in his front pocket buzz. He dug his fingers into the pocket, digging up his phone. Phil was calling him. He gulped before answering the call. "Hello?" He said. His stomach erupted in his stomach. "Hey Dan! Have you eaten yet? I wanted to see if you wanted to sit with us." Phil's voice came through the phone. Dan bit his lip. He wanted to see Phil. He really did. But he was scared it was going to be awkward, considering he'd been turning down PJ's offers for a very long time now. "Y-yeah Okay." He breathed out. "Great! Meet me by the entrance to the cafeteria." Phil said and hung up. Dan tried not to smile.


Dan drew his hoodie closer, pulling up his hood as he walked through the filled corridors. He kept his head down until he stood by the cafeteria doors. Phil was leaning against the wall, doing something on his phone. Dan tapped him on the shoulder and smiled when Phil noticed him. He smiled at Dan, going in for a quick hug. Phil was a little taller than him, resulting in Dan almost disappearing into his hold. He felt like mens perfume. "Hi!" Dan was just about to hug back when Phil pulled away. He felt his cheeks heat up.

They walked into the cafeteria, Phil chatting about random things he noticed or found out through the day. Once they sat down at the table, Phil's friend said hi, before continuing with their heated discussion about Mr Andersson. "He's just so strange! One time he took a picture of my laptop case!" Phil said as he sat down. Dan giggled. "You have Mr Andersson in history too right?" He asked turning to Dan. "Yeah." Dan mumbled. "I don't like him." He said. "Me neither." Louise said, smiling. "What's your favourite subject Dan?" She asked.

Dan opened his mouth but closed it again. "Uhm... Lunch." He said eventually. "Me too!" Chris said and laughed, high fiving Dan. A timid smile spread across his lips. Louise rolled her eyes. "Please don't scare him away Chris." She joked. "I haven't done anything!" Chris screeched. "Louise is right. Be nice." PJ raised an eyebrow at Chris. "Fine." Chris whined and leaned his head on PJ's shoulder, who pushed him off. "Ouch my heart." Chris pouted. "Sorry." PJ laughed and pulled him in a side hug. Dan smiled at them.

"They are cute, aren't they?" Phil whispered in Dan's ear. Dan nodded. "Are they dating?" He whispered back, breath ghosting over Phil's ear. He shivered. "No...not yet." Phil whispered back. They burst into a fit of giggles, shoulders bumping into each other. Dan had his head thrown back with his hand covering his mouth. "What?" PJ looked at him frowning. "Oh nothing." Phil squeaked out. "It's clearly something." PJ said, chuckling nervously. Louise who was trying to read her book, sighed. "It's nothing really." Phil smiled. PJ scoffed, but smiled nonetheless. They finished their lunch before separating and going to their classes.


Dan's in english. Just like last Friday, a smiley face was drawn on his table. He was holding his eraser, contemplating if he should erase it again. He was tempted to, but he would feel guilty if he did. Instead, he added some hair and eyebrows to the smiley. "Dan! Pay attention!" His teacher sneered. "Sorry." He muttered and focused on what she was writing on the board.

He tried to pay attention, he really did. But English was just so boring. He couldn't help it when he slipped out his phone from his pocket under the table. He went to text messages opening the conversation with Phil.

Dan: English is so boring, the teacher hates me, I'm dying, please save me

He looked up to the board again, pretending to listen.

Phil: Hello!:) History sucks as well.

Dan: I'd rather have history than English:(

Phil: I love English! But it is a bit boring sometimes, yes. Our teacher isn't very good.

Dan: When does your last class end?

Phil: at 3

Dan: Same. Want to go to a café or something?

Phil: Sure!

Dan put his phone away again. He wished he could continue talking to Phil but didn't want to bother him during class. He smiled to himself. He really liked Phil, for some reason. He thought about his soft looking hair, and his pale skin. He thought about Phil's hoodie which he had borrowed him yesterday. He accidentally took it with him home, and didn't take it of until he had to go to school that morning. It was comforting to have a piece of Phil with him in his gigantic house, which was still unnervingly empty and quiet. His mom told hem they were coming home this Sunday and he would be happy to see them, but they were only staying for a week. It was then his phone buzzed again. He furrowed his eyebrows. He couldn't not look at it, knowing it might be phil. So he looked down into his lap, opening his phone.

It was not Phil.

Miss me yet?

The simple words taunted him. He swallowed thickly.

We're over.

He wrote back, fingers hovering over the screen.

Last time you said that, you appeared at my door step a day later.

Dan sighed.

This time, I mean it. Perhaps you should get over it.

Then Dan turned his phone on silent.


The teacher stared at him with angry eyes. "Detention after school." She barked before turning around. Dan wiped his cheek. He disliked it when someone was mad at him, and he disliked detentions even more. He focused on his breathing, and decided to not look away from the board from now on.

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