Cold'n Days

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Deron's POV:

Packing my bags to go to a worthless fashion show, I closed my suitcase, locking the latches and getting ready to fly on a boring plane ride to London. In case you didn't know, I also snuck an extra ticket to Los Angeles.
"Deron, are you ready? We can't leave you behind!" Dad yelled out.
   "Okay, I'm coming!" I dragged my suitcases, hopped inside a filthy airport truck, and went to the airport. While waiting, Wayhem and Ashkii were chasing around as my mom attempted to stop them.
   "Why are we actually going to London for my birthday instead?" I asked.
   "Your father has a fashion show he had to show up to, so I'm sorry, we have to skip your ninth birthday party for this." Mom replied.
   "Can I go to the bathroom?" I lied. After a response, I went inside the bathroom and thought, All I wanted for my birthday every year was to fit in. The Lightfoot brand was preventing me from living an ordinary life, which I have no childhood now. Who wants to spend a three day vacation on a pointless show anyway? I wanted to be alone and just be a typical nine year old for once! Getting out of the nasty and crowded bathroom after flushing the toilet and washing my hands, I chased after my family, finding only one of the members walking, but it turned out to be another woman dressed exactly like my mom. I followed the woman to board the plane, getting inside the plane. I found my seat, putting the earbuds in my ears to not hear the announcement.
Many hours later, the plane landed on a city I've never seen before. The announcer on the flight said, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Los Angeles! Thank you for choosing Moonstone Airlines to enjoy your flight 3BA7U from Nymphus to Los Angeles. The local time is 2:30." And all of that gibberish I don't understand.
Terry's POV:

   A few days later, I turned on the TV to hear unusual news about what happened to Bigfoot.
"Good morning, BSC News. I am Markham Martin, and today, we would like to report that a nine year old child went missing after flying on a plane to Los Angeles instead of London. Deron Lightfoot, who was a child model and the oldest son of his father, Anakin, was accidentally left behind at Sunblast Airport while having to depart to go to London Fashion Week to promote the family's famous brand. Here's a recent picture of him before his disappearance." The image showed Bigfoot with a hat covering his hair, walking around a mall. I turned it off immediately, revealing Alfred.
   "Alfred, I'm happy that Bigfoot disappeared."
   "You what?" Alfred snuck some cheese dip in the fridge, munching it as quick as possible.
    "Hey, stop stealing my cheese dip!" I chased after him, falling to the floor of my room.
   "Listen, Terry. I'll stop stealing your cheese if you can just transform already!"
   "Fine. Mythical Spirits, begin the story!" I got out of my window, running away from home. My mama was still outside, shoveling snow from the sidewalk.
   "What are you trying to do, young man?" She asked.
   "There's a dangerous mission I gotta do. I'm Gnoblin by the way."
   "I know who you are, little fella. I'm a big fan of the Mythical Spirits, so good luck on your mission!"
   "Thanks, ma— Mrs. Chadwick!" I zoomed out of the house.
   "Taylie, Gnoblin's in action!" Mama called my twin sister to watch me find the rest of the spirits.
Heather's POV:

   "We have everyone except Snow Frost for today. Can you tell where he is?" I asked my teammates to go search for Snow Frost.
   "I checked every single building in the neighborhood to see him," added Wereport, "but sadly, I couldn't find him. But my teleportation will do the trick." He twisted his umbrella to form a portal.
   "I also heard that Deron's in L.A." Gnoblin included.
    "So that's why we're here for. But again, when we're in America, what'll the people think of us? We'll definitely be missing out on Harverna!" Jackalope asked.
   "Come on, spirits." Wereport led us to the portal, taking us to Los Angeles. Other than crowded buildings and overwhelming streets, we passed through an alley that had a boy who looked like Deron, already setting up traps for three kidnappers.
   "Deron?" Gnoblin questioned, pulling his hat and revealing a streak of blue hair. I thought, His hair... what happened?
   "Gnoblin?" Deron was stunned to find all of us in the same alley as he was. The kidnappers then found us and started to attack Deron.
   "No, you can't touch my Deron!" Gnoblin defended him and called him to run away. As we fled, the kidnappers were caught in their first trap, which was the falling hole in the middle.
   "Wow, Deron. How did you even set these traps?" Flamegon asked. "I've never seen a human do this before..."
   Deron replied, "Ehh, I've seen two 'Home Alone' movies and read about some pranks. My dad met the star in person. So this was all set up just for them!"
   "You could be joining our team too!" Merfish added.
   "No thanks, I'm on the chill side of some things. I have to head to the bathroom real quick." Then, the kidnappers were stuck on the second trap, the tar and feathers on a swung electric fan hitting their heads.
   "Flamegon, stay back for the next trap!" I whispered to my teammate.
   "Deal. I'll always make a fire that'll warm you up."
   "Yeah, that's fine. I'll give you some air in return."
   As the kidnappers went inside the door, Flamegon pulled the fire with his sword and burned their hats. They were screaming and attempting to find something to put it out. A pile of snow fell into their burned hats, melting the fire. It turned out to be Snow Frost creating the snow with his powers.
   "So, did you guys plan to fail or are you hungry and thirsty for more?" He asked.
   "Actually, they're hungry and thirsty for money, which isn't buying any happiness." Alicorn included, spraying purple smoke.
   "Well, keep the change, you 'Stinky Bandits'! Shockalypse!" Jackalope sprinted over the kidnappers, slamming her baton at them and creating lightning. We all laughed at the kidnappers suffering the two powers. They danced, screamed and moaned out loud on the next trap.
Alan's POV:

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