The English Adoption (A Blakeany Love Story)

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Chapter 1

'I see all these kids getting adopted out. Why can't one of them finally be me? Oh, well. It may never happen. At least I'll be eighteen in July. It is only new Years, though.' I write in my journal. January in L.A. is warmer than in other states. I would know. I'm originally from Ohio. I came to this orphanage when I was about eleven. So, I've been here about six years. I really want to leave.

"Time to come down and eat!" The orphanage manager yells up to the room I share with the other four teenagers here. I sigh and close my journal and slip it under my pillow. I haul myself off my bed and walk to the cafeteria for dinner. After we all get out food, the lady starts talking. "Okay, we have a ton of families interested in adoption. By the end of this month, eight of you will have a new family."

A line of 'ooh's and 'ah's follow a bunch of gasps. Lanie, my best friend, puts her hand on my shoulder. "This could be our chance." She smiles.

"Yeah, maybe." I smile softly. Maybe for her. She's nice and gorgeous. We're polar opposites.

"C'mon, Tiffany. You know it takes time for adoption. I bet you'll be one of those eight leaving." She says.

I shrug and start eating. I doubt I'll be leaving anytime soon.

"Two families come a week. The age ranges they want is crazy. A few want infants, a couple want children, and the other three want teenagers." The lady says. "So, three of you teens will be leaving." She smiles at us. "After dinner, your chores are to be done before bed tonight." She says to everyone.

I groan softly. I may only have to bathe the infants and get them to bed, but there are ten of them. I couldn't have gotten some kind of help? I eat my food slowly and get up, putting my dishes in the sink, and going to the infants room. I pick up Joshua. He is 5 months old, he was dropped off here about two weeks ago. He's the most adorable thing I've ever seen! His green eyes look up at me. He coos and reaches his hand up to touch my face. I take him to the bathroom to bathe him. After getting him clean, I put his diaper and pajamas on him. I lay him down with a bottle and bathe the other nine babies. After an hour or so, they are all done. I stand between the cribs and sing to them softly.

"I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go. When all those shadows almost killed your light. I remember you said, 'don't leave me here alone,' but all that's dead and gone and passed tonight. Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright. No one can hurt you now. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound." I sing to them. At the second chorus, they are all sound asleep. I walk out and go to my room. I pull out my journal and start to write.

'Maybe it will happen. Three teenagers are betting adopted out. I'm definitely gonna lose Lanie soon. This might not be so bad. I just gotta stay positive. Night!' I smile at my own positivity. I shut my journal and put it under my pillow and lay down, covering up, and turning my light off. Keep your head up, Tiffany. It will happen one day. Within minutes I'm off to sleep.

I hope y'all like this new story. (: 5 votes for next chapter.

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