The Sorting and plans...

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Tom and Harry make their way to the sorting hall. The train ride and boat ride was quite. Before they made it into the castle Tom had found a small snake in the grass, and even held a conversation with it. The snake, now know as Nangi, hid in his robes and not to dare make a sound.

"Tom Riddle." The teacher called.

With a sneer Tom walked to the stool. He detested his birth name and wanted to change it but didn't have time seeing as a shop they needed to visit was going to close soon. Within a few seconds the hat yelled: "SLYTHERIN!" Harry clapped and cheered. When his name was called it took longer then Tom but the Hat yelled out: "SLYTHERIN" as well.

In the dorms Harry rested his head on Toms lap as he combed through his hair. "My father is a teacher, maybe we can reconnect with out living family." Tom nodded in agreement. "When we go home for winter break we can visit them." Harry yawned and snuggled next to Tom and fell quickly asleep. "Good night my treasure." Tom whispered and went to sleep as well.


The school year came and went and when winter brake came around Tom was scared, he never met his family but he was scared to say the lest. "How do I look?" Tom asked, they had gotten fine suits made just for this and Tom had just changed his hair for the umptheeth time. "You look amazing darling."

When the par knocked on the door a small woman carrying a infant answered. "Hello, who are you two?" Tom shakily answered. "D-Does Tom Riddle live here?" He asked Harry holding his had for comfort. "Yes just a moment. Darling?! Two boys want to speak with you!" A man who looked almost exactly like Tom walked down and had a look of horror on his face.

"How did you find me? Did you freak of a mother send you?!" Riddle yelled. Tom jumped slightly. "It was my first year for Hogwarts and I took the blood test and found out that you where alive...So I came to see you." Riddle laughed. "So is that Whore dead? She was the one who poisoned me." Tom griped Harry hand tighter. "My mother was not a Whore! She died bringing me into this world, and I'll be dammed if I let you take her name in vain. Mark. My. Words." Toms voice no longer sounded like a child but like a cold hearted monster. It was deadly and had the woman shaking a small bit.

They left with the door slamming shut.


After that set of events Harry was not ready to see his father. His mother wouldn't take the letter but he could confront his father after charms class. Tom hid himself in the corner not making a sound but would intervene if needed. "Professor Potter!" Harry yelled getting the attention of the teacher before he could walk into his study. "Yes?" He asked turning around. "I-I have to know... Did you know I was your son? Or that I was in that horrible place for so long?" James froze and pulled Harry into his office Tom not being fast enough to get in.

"Harry I don't know how much time I have so just listen. I've loved you from the moment I held you and wanted nothing more that to keep you safe from that type of childhood. But Dumbledore and your mother wanted to get rid of you and by the time I found out it was too late. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to see you grow up, but now I must tell you to NEVER trust the light. I love you Harry now quickly before they notice your gone." James shoves Harry out of the room and closed the door. "What happened?! are you ok?!" Asked a frantic Tom.
"He didn't want to give me mother and Dumbledore...T-They." Before he could finish Harry had broken down into tears and Tom quickly took them to the common room.


It took a a fair bit of explanation and research, three weeks after the confrontation, Harry and Tom knew the only way to get rid of Dumbledore was to fight him in the war. But first they needed to find out more about past dark lords before they could even make the first move. So throughout the rest of the year the par looked up every thing they could. After about a month of looking through the school records in the restricted section they had a list of things to do

-Find a cause that Wizards and magical creatures would agree with.
- Make a battle plan, preform raids and know
exactly what you need to do to beat your opponent(s).
-Reach your goal or die trying.

However the school year ends and they must return to the muggle world until next year.

"What's a horcrux?" Asked Tom on the first week they started back school and where reading over old dark wizard records. A small 'Hmm?' Came from Harry. It's says that a old Dark lord had one to keep him immortal. Do you know what it is?" Harry thought but then an Idea came to mind. "What if we ask Slughorn? He is wrapped around our fingers." Tom smirked and continued. "And if I word my questions right he'll answer."

Those boys where going to take the world by storm.

924 words

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