"Holly, come here! I miss you baby", Yoongi said the sentence to his dog that he misses. He only went for a short trip about 4 days, still missing his pet dog, Holly.
Yoongi, known as composer for his friend but an anonymous artist for others because he would put his name as Agust D when he produce or compose a song for other artist.
"Did you have an amazing trip, dear?", Mrs. Min said to Yoongi to start their conversation.
"Uh, what? Yeah, yeah. It was great I guess.", Yoongi replied still pampering Holly with his love.
"Alright, I know you miss Holly but don't forget to take a shower we'll go out for dinner later. We'll go around 5.30 p.m. You know why we're leaving early.", Mrs Kim said to Yoongi directly.
Yoongi look at the clock and the time is showing 4.40 p.m. He started to unpack all of his thing from his luggage and put all of the dirty clothes inside the washing machine. He go straight to the bathroom to wash up because he know the exact reason why they don't want to leave late from house.
It is already 5.10 p.m. and Yoongi is getting ready to just smash up his outfit for the dinner gathering.
Ugh I'm just going to wear whatever mom have it ready for me. I hate this. Why don't they plan this dinner tomorrow out of the whole week?
"Mom! Where's the clothes you said I need to wear to the dinner?", Yoongi ask his mother.
"It's behind your bedroom door, Yoongi honey.", Mrs. Min replied Yoongi from their living room.
Yoongi heard a knock on his door, he is startle but doesn't mind about the knock that much.
"Hey, Yoongi it's already 5.25 p.m. come on, dress yourself faster!", Geumjae, his brother yell from outside of his room and knocking faster and even louder this time.
"Okay okay, I'm coming out! Just stop knocking.", Yoongi replied from inside his bedroom.
2 minutes later
"Alright, we're ready to go. So who's driving?", Mrs. Min ask her sons about who's driving them.
"I'm gonna drive mom, I know some way to get us faster to go there.", Geumjae replied.
Yoongi, his mother and Geumjae are already on their way to meet their relatives at the dinner gathering.
Ugh I hate jammed roads. I wish all of the cars can be small size when we're all on emergency or whatever. Yoongi said to himself in his mind.
45 minutes later
"We're already at Seesaw Restaurant. Come on get out before dad's mad at us.", said Geumjae to his brother and his mother.
"Wow super fast.", Yoongi replied with a smirk and in his sarcasm voice.
"Is that sarcasm or a compliment?", said Geumjae asking Yoongi.
"You can either choose what's best for your ears.", Yoongi replied.
"Boys! Pull yourself together. Stop it, please. You might upset your father with this behaviour.", said Mrs. Min to both of her son.
After the relatives dinner gathering
"Thank you all for coming. Soon, we should do it at the others relatives district.", said Mr. Min to all of their relatives while sharing goodbyes after dinner.
The four of them headed to their car and Yoongi started driving away from the restaurant. Yoongi had to drive since he lost all the bet from his family games or their tradition at every family relatives dinner gathering.
It is a really quiet drive from restaurant to home because all of them already doze off their dreamland. They arrived at their home at 11.20 p.m. All of them get out from the car and ready to go to bed and doze off peacefully.
"Yoongi, can you please check the mailbox? Maybe there's something or a letter or anything that I ordered from online.", Yoongi mother ask him to do some chores before she go inside to their house.
Yoongi, nod his head and head to the front gate. He opened the mailbox and hurriedly close their gate. He doesn't want the thief to get inside their house. The recent house thief was happening at their resident.
He goes inside and put all of the letter on top of their kitchen counter. But this one envelope suddenly make him feel like he need to open it.
He notice all the detail and he see his name in front of the envelope. He was surprised because he didn't ever receive any envelope with his name. It's always his family name either his brother, mom or dad.
"What's thats son?", Mr. Min ask Yoongi about the envelope with Yoongi name tatted on it.
"Uh oh an envelope with my name on it?", Yoongi replied.
"I know you haven't checked it but tell me tomorrow what is in this envelope. I've never seen any with your name on it but this is the first time. I'm proud of you.", Mr. Min said to Yoongi while smiling.
"I'm going to head upstairs first.", Yoongi said to his dad.
"Alright, don't forget to tell me about what is inside the envelope!", Mr. Min replied Yoongi.
Yoongi is already in his room and quickly change to his pyjamas. He is ready to plop onto his bed but he remember about the envelope. He reached the envelope from his table. He quickly open the envelope.
An invitation from Dream Glow? What is this? But I've never went to any of this place or the Dream Glow company is not familiar?
Yoongi is wondering about the invitation. At first he hesitate to come but then, he knows that it is a great escape from going to another relatives gathering.
Ah, it's next week? I'll finally have this house for myself starting from Thursday then. I'll tell dad tomorrow. Now let's get some beauty sleep.
Dream Glow head quarter
"Sir, the third person had receive his letter succesafully too.", said the employee to the CEO.
"Already? How did it go? Did his reaction exploit like the second person?", replied the CEO.
"No, he didn't because he was tired from their dinner sir. Or maybe he's not the type of showing his happiness to others.", the employee replied.
"Yeah, anyway good job. Make sure you already send the fourth envelope to the fourth person.", said the CEO.
"You got it sir!", replied the energetic employee.
Person 4 invitation card, sent successfully.
ps: sorry for the long wait. im stuck on him a lot.

an unknown invitation
Fanfictionit all started when 7 complete stranger meet each other by sudden at a party. They didn't know that they were invited by someone who hated them and want them to fall. They didn't know what's waiting for them but they are nothing but a boys with a lo...