Be Quiet Bakugo

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Bakugos POV

I decided after the USJ incident I just walked home since no one stopped me.

When I was about fifteen minutes away from my house I was grabbed and then before I knew it I was on top of one of the many apartment buildings that has no roof access. I then turned to see Arsinal, "hi you shitty nerd" I said with a straight face.

I could tell he was smirking, "what gave me away I'm guessing it was my quirk wasn't it when I was foolish enough to explain how it works right" he said.

"Yep you knew I would recognize it, that's why you shut me up right" I said confidently and sort scared of my old friend. He took off his mask and I could see a couple scars on his face, "you were always the second smartest in our grade so no wonder you figured it out so quickly" he chuckled. I stared intensely at him trying to read his facial expression, I gave up and sat down because I was getting tired of standing. "So Ar-" I was cut off, "you know my identity so you can just call me by my name" he said smiling.

"Ok De" there was now a bullet in front of my face, "remember I am not on either side here" he said. "Ok Izuku what now" I asked ready to fight if needed. He was looking at me tense up when he let the bullet fall.

He sighed, "put it in your pocket we were friends once" he said and my eyes widened when I knew what he was emplying. I then proceeded to put it in my bookbag, "I won't tell what you did to me when we were younger if you can keep your mouth shut" he said and I was hesitant to agree but I did.

He was about to leave when I asked, "why did you stop wanting to be a hero" I said wanting to know but I had a feeling I already knew the answer as soon as I blew off his arm.

He looked back at me then his left arm, he then looked away, "because why would I go somewhere that would let you be a hero, you shouldn't be in that class," he said and my heart dropped. "I will keep my eye on you Kachaan" he then disappeared.

I was about to go when I saw his signature note, 'remember not a soul- Izuku' I put it in my pocket and walked off and jumped down using my explosions to slow my decent.

When I got home I said hi to my mom, she was going to yell at me but saw my face so she didn't. I just went upstairs and took out the green bullet and looked at it inspecting it. Then I noticed it had my initials and then I remembered.


"Hey Kachaan I have a present here" said Izuku giving me what looked like a bullet.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Silly it's a bullet I just found it on the road and it reminded me of you so I carved K.B. in it using my replacement arm" he said scratching his head.

"Uhh thanks but how about you hang on to it that way you have something to remember me besides the arm" I told him and he smiled and took it back and put it in his pocket.

Flashback end

'So he kept it' that made me smile. Then I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

Next day at school

I walked into the room only to be stared at by everyone I tried to ignore it and went to my seat to think. That's when, "hey Bakugo that's a cool keychain" that made me look at the bullet hanging from my bag.

'It's actually a reminder I'm being watched' "thanks round face" I told the zero gravity girl. She puffed her cheeks and I went back to dreamland. 'I know they are going to ask and I can't tell them otherwise I will probably end up with a hole in my head' I thought staring at everyone.

That's when I was snapped out of my thoughts by the teacher, "Bakugo the principal wants to see you," he said and I got up but before I left I saw a certain vigilante outside. Then I shook my head to snap myself out of it and took the bullet off my backpack and put it in my uniform pants pocket and left.

In the principal's office

I was in the office and I could see Deku watching me from the window behind the principle. "Now then do you know why I want to talk to you" I nodded. "Excellent then I don't have to explain," he said and just asked straight out. "You know Arsinal's identity don't you" that made me sweat especially since Mr. lie detector was here.

"I can't say I do I have seen that quirk somewhere before though" I said and the detective told him I was lying.

I was sweating and I didn't have to see his face to tell he was nervous, I then gave them a half answer, "I know it I just can't tell you" I saw Deku shrug indicating it was an alright answer but he didn't like it.

"Why is that" the detective asked this time and I gave him a half truthful answer.

"I owe it to him" he was confused at that but left it there. "I did something that haunts me and that is why I can't tell you" I stated and they were both taken aback at the determination in my face. After that they let me go and I went back to class.

I then heard in my head, " well done Kachaan that was a tough situation" I nodded.

Timeskip to the mention of sports festival

Aizawa came in and said the sports was coming up and we were still going to do it. He said it was to let the citizens know that everything is fine.

'Fat chance he will make sure' I thought looking out the window.

'I don't know when I will see him next in action but I have to keep on my toes' I thought to myself.

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