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Center of the U.S.J.

Third-Person POV

     The recruit villains stared at All Might in awe, some mumbling, "He's so intimidating.." One of them snapped everyone out of it, "Idiots! Don't hesitate! If we kill hi-" The recruit didn't even finish his sentence before All Might vanished, slamming his fist into the guy's stomach. The others stepped back to run, only to be hit as well. All Might got to the incapacitated Aizawa. He looked over his closed eyes, bloody face, and his crumbling, bleeding elbow. "Sorry, Aizawa." All Might turned to the Nomu, Izuku, Tsu, and Ochako. He grabbed all three students from the water with Aizawa in one arm. The speed and force of his wind knocked the hand off the face of Shigaraki. All Might kneeled in front of the three and laid Aizawa down. "Everyone, go to the entrance. I'm leaving Aizawa to you. He's unconscious, hurry." Izuku gulped, "B-But Dad you ca-" All Might yelled back at his son, "NOW!" Izuku jolted up and nodded. He, Ochako, and Tsu went over to Aizawa and Izuku was tearing up again seeing his injuries. 

    Shigaraki hid behind the Nomu, covering his face. "It's no good...It's no good..." He stumbled around covering his face, looking for the hand. "I-I'm sorry, Father...he hit me as he saved them...It's the violence of a government official. He's fast as expected, but I can't follow him with my eyes. But, he's not as fast as I thought he'd be. I guess it's true, after all...that he's getting weaker. Izuku picked up Aizawa by the arms, putting him over his shoulders while Tsu and Ochako carried him by the legs. "D-Dad you can't. I hit that blue-haired guy with almost everything I had and the shockwave didn't even budge that bird guy.." "Izuku! It's fine." Izuku sighed, "Just please don't get hurt." All Might nodded, "I'll try not to." Izuku nodded and he began leading the two girls and Aizawa's body toward the entrance. As they retreated, All Might dashed toward Shigaraki with an attack, "Carolina...SMASH!" Suddenly, Shigaraki was defended by the Nomu.

    The Nomu just looked up at All Might with crazy eyes and smile

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    The Nomu just looked up at All Might with crazy eyes and smile. It immediately tried to grab All Might and he bent down to dodge the creature's attack. "It seriously has no effect at all, huh?!" All Might took a low-swing into the Nomu's abdomen. Again, no effect. It attempted to grab All Might again and All Might swung a left into Nomu's face. No effect. He tried again with a right swing into the other side of its face. No effect. It just roared at All Might and charged him. "It doesn't work on his face, either, huh?" All Might skidded to a halt and Nomu immediately reached him. All Might slammed two more punches into his abdomen with no effect again. Shigaraki just cackled evilly, "It doesn't work because of Shock Absorption. In order to cause damage to Nomu, it would be most effective to slowly gouge out his flesh. Whether he'd let you do that or not is a different issue, though." All Might grinned and dodged another attempt to be grabbed. "Thanks for telling me all that!" 

    All Might ran around Nomu and grabbed him, wrapping his arms around the creature's torso. "If that's true, then it's easier for me!" All Might threw Nomu back, headfirst into the concrete. From the entrance, Sero laughed while watching the fight. "Yeah! Take that!" Sato cheered All Might on, "Yeah! Those guys are underestimating All Might too much!" While they walked away, Ochako looked back to the explosion. "How'd All Might make a suplex look like an explosion?!" Tsu smirked, "That's all might for you. Ribbit. Maybe we overthought it, he's amazing." Izuku thought to himself, 'But I know...he's not as amazing. The three fingers Thirteen held up...probably meant his time was up..oh no.' Izuku kept mumbling to himself before the dust cleared and they stopped walking to look. All Might was still slamming the Nomu into the ground, but the Nomu hit a portal by 'Kurogiri' and came out right under All Might, finally catching him and squeezing his injury.

Father and Son (Dadmight AU)Where stories live. Discover now