Black Blood

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Being a demon in the over world, I face plenty of challenges. Trying to hide what I really am is one of the hardest, especially since I'm moving to a new school.
"Lamia! Get out of bed, it's time for school!" My father yelled from the living room.
I pushed my blanket off, and got out of bed. As I walked to my dresser, I accidentally cut my leg on a loose nail in my bed frame. A black substance came out of the wound, but I payed no attention to it.
I continued to get ready for school, and when I finished I went downstairs to the living room where my dad was.
"Do you expect I'll allow you to leave this house looking like that?" My father crossed his arms disapprovingly.
"What are you talking about? I look like any normal teenage girl," I replied, making sure I had my school supplies in my backpack.
"Your eyes."
Since I'm a demon, I don't have the most normal eye color. Instead of blue or brown, my eyes are purple.
I walked into the bathroom to get my contacts. I opened the cabinet behind the mirror, got out my contacts case, and slipped them onto my eyes.
"Lamia! You're going to be late for school," My dad poked his head into the bathroom.
I rolled my eyes, got my bag, and began my stroll to school. As I passed by one house, a boy, about six and a half feet tall wearing jeans and a tee shirt, walked out towards me.
"Hi," He waved.
"Hey, I'm Lamia," I waved back.
"You can call me Mia."
"I'm guessing you just moved here, correct? Oh, I'm Nick by the way," He replied, pushing his blonde hair out of his face.
"I moved here a few days ago," We came up to the school building where everyone began crowding in through the doors.
We walked into the building together, having to push through some couples to get by.
"You should probably head to the office to get your schedule," Nick said.
"Where is that, exactly?" I asked.
"This way, m'am." He said sarcastically.
Nick lead me to the main office.
"Oh, hello! Are you Lamia?" The secretary asked cheerily.
"Yes, yes I am," I replied.
The secretary gave me a schedule and a school ID.
"Lamia, I just need one final thing. What's your last name?" The secretary got out a pen and piece of paper.
"I don't have one," Which isn't a lie.
She raised an eyebrow and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could the phone rang. She waved us away as she talked into the phone.
"I guess we should get to class then," Nick said.
We walked out of the office, and nobody was in the halls. I followed him to class, but as I walked I brushed my leg against the side of a locker, and my scratch from earlier opened up again. I didn't notice at first.
"Um, Mia. What did you do to your leg?" Nick pointed out obviously seeing the black blood running down my lower leg.
"I'll explain later," I grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser on the wall and wiped the blood away.

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