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 Alex POV:

     Me and Laffayette grabbed our fluffy winter jackets and scarves and set out towards the park. Neither of us had a car and we lived in a small part of New York so we really didn't need one. Me and Laf walked in silence, which was odd, even for him. Finally he said something. 

     "Mon amor, if anyone touches you I will kick them where it hurts."

     I guess we were thinking alike. I was petrified, even if I didn't look like it. Laffayette's face was covered with worry. I decided if I acted scared he would be even more protective of me than he already is.

     "We are just meeting up, probably a friend or something," I said.

     Laf stood in front of me, "No! That's not what this is and if they touch you I will hurt them more than ever possible!"

     I decided not to arguing, knowing we would just fight and cry. I nodded and kept walking.

     "I'm scared," I finally said as we rounded the corner.

     "What," said Laffayette confusion clouded his eyes.

     "I'm scared," I repeated. I have a habit of mumbling.

     "And that's okay mon amor," he said hugging me.

     We continued walking in silence. We reached the entrance to the park and walked in. As soon as we walked in I noticed black shadow figures moving against the moonlight. Someone pounced on top of me.

     "Ge-" I started to say but something covered my mouth. Laffayette stood stunned in silence for a few seconds and jumped on my attacker but was dragged off of him. I was able to wriggle out from under the person on top of me. They were wearing those dollar masks you get from Dollar General. I ripped it off and saw a classmate, Aaron Burr, under the mask. 

     I ran off but then remembered Laf. I ran to his side and pushed the person on top of him away. I ripped the mask off and saw James Madison's face. Me and Laffayette ran away and got to the apartment in minutes.

     When we stepped inside I took a glance at Laffayette. He was bruised and his nose was bleeding. I looked at myself and realized I has nothing but a splinter and a small scratch. I ran up to him and hugged him.

     "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you into this and it's all my fault, I am useless and just a horri-," I said before being cut off by Laf.

     "No, mon amor, I wanted to come and there's nothing you could've done to stop me," Laf looked at me his eyes full of love, "I love you."

     After we showered and cleaned up we went to Laf's bed. There we cuddled and he kissed me on my forehead. We sat there in silence until Laffayette said something.

     "Alex, there is something important I have to tell you," He looked at me, sadness filled his eyes, "I am leaving for France." 

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