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 Peggy's POV:

     I sat next to Alex outside of Wawa giving him his favorite milkshake (Mint Chocolate Chip) while my girlfriend gave him a cookie. I saw Thomas drive up and step out of his car. Me and Maria walked up to him and beat him up. I knew Alex wasn't only upset because of him. His boyfriend was leaving for a five month trip to France to see his family. I promised me and Maria would live with him while he was gone so Alexander wasn't lonely and he could afford rent. I hugged Alexander and took him to my car.

     We stopped at me and Maria's houses to pick up clothes, food, etc. When we got to Alex's apartment Laffayette was crying on the couch. Alex ran up to him and hugged him and whispered something I couldn't hear in Laf's ear. I ran up with Uno cards and we played Uno for a while and went to bed. 

     They had two rooms in the apartment but only used one so me and Maria didn't have to sleep on the couch. My phoned started ringing and the caller ID said it was my sister. I answered.

"Thomas broke up with me," she said through sobs.

"HE DID WHAT," I screamed.

I ripped Alex and Laf off of their bed and through jackets at them.

"What," they said at the same time drowsily.

"We're getting my sister, is it ok if she stays here for a while," I asked.

"Um, sure," replied Alex who was putting his hair in a ponytail.

     I ran out the door and unlocked my car. After everyone got in we took a pit stop at Wawa to pick up a coffee for Angelica. We pulled up to Thomas's house and all of us but Alex ran to the door and didn't even knock we just barged in. When we got in we saw Thomas and Angelica arguing. I grabbed Angelica's wrist and pulled her to the car.

     With all of us squished in we drove to Alex's apartment. When we got in we all went to sleep except for Alex and Angelica, who were watching a movie and crying with each other. When I got to my room I just laid on the bed and fell asleep. I was to tired to change or brush my teeth. Laf walked into the room.

"I am leaving tomorrow," he said, sadness filling his eyes.

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