Chapter 8: City in Lia's Parents' Home Part 1.

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Lia parks her car at her family's home, her phone dinging with a message from her father saying that her arm was ready. Lief staring out of the window, as he doesn't hear them at all. He'd yawn, as he'd rubs his eyes. Her face lights up and she squeals loudly bouncing in her seat.

Noelle kept silent, just along for the ride. Ash clicks the belt and opens the door, exiting the Jeep, he walks to Noe's side and opens her door stepping back. Aureliaclimbs out and goes to Lief's side "Come on, I want you to meet my family".

She stepped out, nodding in thanks to Ash. "Hmm." Ash said, thinking. Lief looked at her, read her lip. As he'd nod. He'd exit out of passenger seat door. As he'd closed it. "So, which one's the hunter? Guessing the girl?" Noelle asked to Ash. Aurelia leads them into her house calling out "Mom? Dad?". Lief follow her in. As he'd looked around. 

A woman walks out of the kitchen "Aure?". Lia smiles "Hi mom". "The guy." Ash answered. Lief noticed Aurelia's mom. "Oh. Sorry, I see injury and assume hunter." Noelle looked to Lief. "Hello. Nice to meet you.". Lief looked at Noelle, as he'd read her lip. He'd nod.

Aurelia smiles and the woman hugs her "Where's dad?". "Deaf?" Noelle asked. "Yes." Ash answered her. Lief looked back to Aurelia's mother. Lia's mom looks at Lief  "He is in the shop. And is this your boyfriend?". Lia turns bright red "Mom!". Lief looked at both of them, smiled softly.

Noelle hung back with Ash, quiet. She blinked, another tiny headache settling in. Aurelia looks down and leads them deeper into the house "Lets go guys". Noelle followed Ash. Lief follow Aurelia. Lia shows them to their own guest room "Here".

Lief nodded, as he walk in. Noelle went to hers, turning to Lia as she did."Hey, I haven't gotten to introduce myself yet. I'm Noelle, nice to meet you.". Aurelia's mom smiles "Hi nice to meet you". Noelle smiled back. Lief get in bed. He'd yawn as he'd lie down on bed.

Aurelia runs to the shop and her dad helps her put on her new arm, everything works well and she squeals in excitement "Yayyyyy"She runs out and grabs her boxes from her car and carries them into her room next to Lief's. Lief started to sleep in the bed. He'd turns from sides. Aurelia goes and sits at her grand piano in the living room, playing a beautiful song, tears coming to her eyes "God I missed this". Noelle sat awkwardly in her room, listening to the piano. She hardly knew these people, but she needed to learn what "storm" was coming. 

--The next morning--

Aurelia wakes up and rubs her new arm. Lief also wake up, as he rubs his eyes. He yawn. He sit up. Noelle woke early in the morning, going over her notes. Noelle stood up, slipping outside to clear her head. Lief get up and walk out of the room, as he looked around. 

Aurelia yawns and gets up, getting dressed, her new arm looking exactly like her old one as she walks downstairs "Good morning everyone". Lief looked at her and waved back. As he walk to living room. He sit on couch. Aurelia smiles and goes over to Lief writing 'Notice anything different?' she passes him the pad of paper. Noelle came back inside, waving to the two as she walked past.

Lief read, as he looked at her arm. Lief looked at note, as he write 'your arm.. you surprised me.' As he smiled, hand back to her. She nods and smiles brightly 'Yeah, and I wanted to ask you something'. Lief read, as he write 'what is it?' He'd hand back to her. Aurelia moves the pad of paper away and signs to him [ASL] would you go out with me? she looks up at him, her eyes full of hope.

Lief surprised with her asl. [SL] 'Yes I would love to.' He sign slowly so she could understand. Aurelia smiles brightly writing 'I wanted the way I asked you to be special so I learned how to sign that'. Lief read, as he smiled nodded. Aurelia smiles and writes 'Can I kiss you again?'.

Lief read, as he nodded. Aurelia leans forward and slowly rests a hand on his face. Lief leans forward too, as he'd began to kiss her. Aurelia kisses him back gently. Aurelia pulls back gently and rests her forehead on his head. Ash was sitting in a chair, somewhere, minding his own business and away from everyone polishing his M1911.

Noelle walked to Ash, taking a seat. "Hey, you busy?". "Nah, just polishing my gun." He holsters it and looks at her "Why? Need something?" Ash said, and asked. "Well, what did you mean by "a storm is coming?" Noelle asked him about the storm. Lief's head rest on Aurelia's head. Aurelia smiles softly and takes his hand in hers "Wow".

"Demons, Angels, all the creatures, the entire 9 yards, both this world and my world. This world is going to be plagued by the forces of evil, and we're just getting the rain before the storm." Ash sighs "We need to prepare for what's to come, expose her parents to the dark out there and set up a warding system and protection. We have to prepare." Ash also said.
"A warding system? Wait, this all is happening now?" Noelle blinked, her father's words coming back to her. Lief smiled too. As he sighed happily. "What else do you know?" Noelle asked to Ash. Aurelia leans back in and kisses him once more gently. Lief kisses her once again.

Aurelia smiles and gets up off the couch "Wanna go get breakfast?". Lief read her lip, then he nodded smiled. Aurelia holds her hand out for him. Lief grabbed her hand, as he get up. "What else? Just the storm." Ash asked, and said to Noelle. Aurelia leads him into the kitchen "Come on". "I'm hoping to find this world's colt." Ash said.

"Who's...leading it? Satan? Lucifer?" Noelle asked to Ash. Lief follow Aurelia to kitchen. "No clue." Ash answered, doesn't know. Aurelia takes out a whiteboard and writes, 'what do you want for breakfast?'. "Could be anything." Ash answered that to Noelle too. "Ah. And you're not warning other hunters?" Noelle asked ash about not warning other hunters.

"How?" Ash asked. "I mean, are you kinda trying to handle it alone? I dunno. Pass it along the grape vine?" Noelle asked to ash. "Demons and monsters are in the way. I can't directly contact them." Ash answered. Lief read as he'd write back 'chocolate pancakes.'. Aurelia nods 'Just what I was thinking'.

"Well, they might come to the conclusion themselves. Lots more monsters and way less hunters about." Noelle said. Noelle looked around. "What do you plan to do about it?" Noelle asked Ash. Aurelia makes the two of them pancakes. 

She finishes them and puts a stack on his plate, handing it to him and taking the rest for herself. Lief take it as he'd walk to kitchen, as he'd sit. He'd began to eat. Aurelia sits next to him and eats her own breakfast. 

"Keep you, Lia, Lief, and these parents safe from harm. Recruit more hunters, survive through the storm." Ash said. "Keep me safe? You hardly know me." Noelle spoke, shocked at the display of kindness. "Well, from my world, you consider every human an ally until proven otherwise. Every soldier is needed in this. I'll bloody recruit all of Ohio if I 'ought to." Ash said.

Aurelia finishes and makes two more plates, walking over to Ash and Noelle "Breakfast you two?". Every human. Well, not like Noelle was gonna tell him she wasn't human anyway. "Sure." Ash said. Noelle turned, smiling. "Yeah. Thanks." She turned back.

She smiles and hands them the plates "Oh and ash? He said yes....". "That's good. Woulda..." Ash pauses "Mhmm, probably woulda taught him a lesson or two, you're a nice person, and you handle quite well under pressure, like a true hunter.". Aurelia smiles "I want to be a hunter, but I am not so sure".

Noelle picked at her plate, looking up at the girl. "It's hard." She spoke up, her voice soft. "I could teach you how to fight Angels and demons, I've fought them and was even called a "Angel Hunter" before I ended up 'ere." Ash said. "Angel Hunter?" Noelle asked. "Yup, different from this world we usually kill Angels on sight." Ash answered. "Ah." Noelle understood. "But, I like the few angels I've met here." Ash also said. Lief finished with it, he'd pick it up, as he'd get up. He'd walk to kitchen, he'd put it in the kitchen."But, it is hard. Granted, with this storm coming, I guess you don't have much of a choice." Noelle spoke to Aurelia "Angels here don't seem very good to me. Ones in your world must be awful.".

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