Chapter 13: Car Crash

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While back in home... Aurelia pulls back into her driveway and slams the door shut, storming upstairs and crumbling to her bed as she weeps. Aurelia's parents try to coax her out of her room but fail, her heart shattered and her body numb, her tears drying as she falls unconscious, her last thoughts before sleep are, Please angel, where ever you are, protect Lief, keep him happy and safe. Aspect materializes within the room and sits beside her, looking at her with a frown "Child? What's causing your sadness?".

Lia stirs softly "H-He's gone...". She stumbles to her feet and goes to her car again, taking her first trip to a bar. The angel followed in suit flying as it felt it would be good to keep an eye upon the girl, after all she was going to play a large part in stopping the storm yet to come.

Aurelia pulls into the bar and orders a drink, sighing as she downs it and continues to cry. She orders more drinks after that, an unknown feeling washing over her as she does so. The bartender looks at her with a raised brow "You fine lass?" As he sets another drink down, feeling somewhat bad for the poor child. Aurelia nods sadly "Y-Yeah, just really need these drinks". She bites her lip, trying to swallow her tears back.

"Well, you can have a few more drinks and then water and the weak stuff for the rest of your time." Bartender said. Aurelia nods sadly, letting her guard fall. She finishes and pays, going home in a cab. Aurelia stumbles into her house and up into her room, ignoring her mom and dad as she locks herself in her room. Her parents sigh and wait for her to come back out. Her dad goes up and tries to get her out of her room "Kiddo? please come out". She stumbles out and crumbles into her fathers arms "Why did he leave me dad?", her dad holds her in his arms "It's going to be okay, we will get through this". She falls asleep in his arms and wakes up the next morning sober and in emotional pain. She takes her dads car out and goes to the town.

Right now... Aurelia drives on the side roads, tears blurring her eyes again. Lief arrived on side road. He almost stumbled. Aurelia swerves almost hitting an animal, hitting a man on the side of the road instead on accident. Lief noticed white jeep, as he got hit, he fall. He got knocked out, as his head is bleed.

Aurelia screams and turns off her car, dialing 911 as she rushes to his side "Oh god, oh god, oh god.". Lief is still knocked out. As his head is bleed more. she tries her best to wrap his head in a bandage as they wait for an ambulance "Oh god what have I done?". The ambulance arrives and Lia climbs in as they drive to the Hospital.

Aurelia paces the hospital waiting room as the doctors help Lief. Lief was bought to room 2. Aurelia slowly walks into Lief's room, her face pale with dark bags under her eyes. 

2 hours later...

Lief wake up slowly, as he groan. Aurelia had sat next to his bed, her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she silently cries. Lief blinked even blurred. Aurelia shakes more, her movement visible as she cries. Lief noticed Aurelia. He thought "Lia..?". 

Aurelia wipes her face but more tears flow from her eyes as she cries in a chair next to him. Lief cough 2 times. So Aurelia could hear. Aurelia looks up, her hazel brown eyes watery with tears "Lief....". Lief blinked blurred. She shivers softly, writing 'I am so so sorry, I had to stay here to make sure you were okay. If you want me to leave then I will' and hands him the paper.

Lief read carefully, he shake his head slowly. He write slowly 'Stay. I am sorry for left you.. I just needed some air..'. Aurelia nods and kisses his forehead gently. She hesitantly holds onto his hand, rubbing his knuckles gently as she rests her head on the hospital bed, her tears still falling. Aurelia sighs and her toes start to tap softly. Aurelia looks up at lief "I am sorry, can we try this? I really was happy when you were with me...". Lief read her lip, as he nodded easy, softly, and slowly. Aurelia smiles softly and rests her head on his shoulder, falling asleep. Lief also fall asleep.

next morning...

Aurelia bolts up quickly, snapping out of her sleep. Lief wake up, as he looked at Aurelia. Aurelia rubs her face gently, turning and jumping when she sees that Lief is awake. Lief write 'Can you forgive me?' as he showed her. She smiles and writes, 'What for?'. 

Lief read, as he write 'for makes you scare, and left you..' as he showed her. Aurelia sighs and writes back, 'It's not your fault, a lot happened and you needed to take a breather, I totally understand.' and hands it to him. Lief read it, as he nod easily. Aurelia smiles softly and writes, 'The question is, can you forgive me for hitting you? With my car?'.  Lief read the note once again. He write back 'Yeah I forgive you. Accidents happen.'.

Aurelia smiles again, 'I'm glad.'. Lief read her lip, as he smiled. he also write 'can your parents forgive me for it too?'. As he showed her. Lief started to pray.. Aurelia reads it and quickly writes, 'I don't care what they think, when they kicked you out that was the most unsafe I have felt in a long time, I can't loose you, and that might sound like I am being clingy but I really do feel safe around you. And I can't imagine what this new life is going to be like without you by my side Lief.'. Castiel appeared as he looked confused " um who prayed for me?" as he saw them he nods " hunters " as he tilts his head in a bird like way as he looked at them.

Lief read with a note. As he sighed. Lief noticed Castiel. Aurelia jumps at the new appearance "Gahhh". Castiel looked over "yes ?" as he smiled a small bit as he was looking at them "what happen ?" as he was readjusting his tie. Lief read his lip. As he write 'Well her car just crashed into me and here we are. It's accident.'. As he showed Castiel.

Aurelia stares at Castiel, her eyes wide "I-Are you an angel?". Castiel nods as he smiled "yes i am would you like some help with that "as he was looking "it looks like it hurts". Aurelia raises an eyebrow but shrugs softly "whatever, I am going to get food, Lief. You want anything?" she says turning to him. Lief read her lip, as he write 'cheeseburger, and canada dry soda, ginger ale.'.

Aurelia nods and heads out of the room to get food. Lief looked at Castiel. Castiel looked back as he spoke "how are you feeling ?" as he was sitting down in the chair. Lief read his lip, as he put his thumb, as thumb up. Aurelia walks back in with what Lief wanted, what she wanted and some extra "Sorry cas, didn't know what you wanted...". Castiel smiled " Hm oh no thanks i have soup ". As he shows a childish thing of soup "got it from the bunker "as he then sighs "so why are you at the hospital?". 

Aurelia hands Lief his food and sits down with her own "Just watching, and waiting". Castiel nods "waiting for what?"As he looked about confused. Aurelia looks at Lief "For him to be let out of the hospital, after all I love him and such". Castiel " i could help heal him if you would like " as he was looking out the window.

Aurelia watches and shakes her head "I don't know...". Lief read his lip, as he write 'lets try it out.'. He showed Aurelia. Aurelia nods and smiles softly, kissing his forehead "Okay, cas can you....". Castiel nods as he heals the person as a bit of light shows as he smiled " there is a safe place for hunters that i can take you". Lief felt healed, as he read his lips. He write 'Really? Where? Oh, be the way. I didn't catch your name. I am Lief Risten.'.

Aurelia looks up "Where?..."She smiles and holds Lief's hand gently. Castiel smiled a bit " i can not tell you where but i can take you there "As he smiled a bit more "and there is good soup there and tea ". Aurelia smiles "Yayy tea. Also, I didn't catch your name.". 

Lief read his lip, as he nodded. He grabbed cheese burger and soda, as ready as he is. cas nods as he teleport them to the bunker as he smiled "names Castiel." as he flew them down.

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