About my Death Flag part 1

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Soooo... Apparently, I was hailed as a hero and they added my name into the school's name in the memories of a brave woman. They even held an event for an anti-terrorist attack in my honors. After the bombing incident, the school's owner and the rest of the community donated a great sum of money to the orphanage that raised me and that my body was cremated and buried by the school's garden. Now my ashen body became a fertilizer to all plants. Kinda creepy that my body was now part of the school. But anyway, I'm still a spirit hovering around the places. Still can't hear but for some reason, it doesn't bother me that much. Not much happens after that except I became quite famous as The Woman Who Caught The Grenade. Not gonna lie, I sounded badass. I just there observing everyone and snooping their privacy that actually helped me stay in the trend. I just read the newspaper or any internet news to be notified and understand some situations.

Then a bright light appeared on the sky. The clouds parted away to let the sun rays shine through and enveloped my ghostly body as I slowly ascended into the Heavens. Then I blacked out...

I didn't know how long I "blacked out" but I can hear now (so that's a plus) but it was muffled by this warm yet wet case I was in. It is so elastic. It was as if I'm in a cocoon. Most of the time, I always heard those calming heartbeats and a muffled womanly voice that I couldn't seem to figure out what she is saying.

I've stayed in my comfortable cocoon for who knows how long. But suddenly I felt like a bit constricted. I am so confused. My cocoon was pushing me out and I felt so uncomfortable. Is this what my toothpaste feels like when I squeezed the tube with all of my might? This sensation was too weird for me. Feeling a hard tension upon my head, I'm slowly being squeezed out. Am I gonna fit out? Then, a fleshy ring thing surrounded my neck as my head felt freer but my rest of my body were still stuck inside. I think I'm suffocating? This fleshy opening is killing me!

Somebody's hands surrounded my head. Woah! It is so huge! I felt that these hands are the same size as my head! But whatever it is, it is trying to ease me out. Out came my shoulders then whoosh! Came the rest of my body. And now, I think I'm being cradled by a giant. Then without my will or my control, I just cried or screeched my lungs out. Air filled my lungs as I felt more alive. It is quite a soothing feeling despite my screams of bloody murder.

"Princess, it's a baby girl!!!" Said someone feminine.

Now I can hear much better...

eh? Eh? EH? EH?!?
A-a-a b-baby?!?
No way!!!!!
Who's baby?!?

Then something squishy shoved on my face as a weird nub thing in my mouth. Smell soooo "dairy"... Following my instinct, I suckled harder as if my life depends on it... well it kinda does actually. My scream of denial was muffled by this breast.

Milk and breast...

Breast and milk...

I think I am in shock. Never in my whole life that my adult self will ever drink breast milk. It sounded so disgusting and yet here I am drinking it.

"Hello my child, I am your mother. My name is Alma Cideah Keirah Nefaria(Ahl-mah See-deh-yah Kehy-rah Neh-fah-ree-yah) and you, my child, shall be named... Varlette Vee Lin Nefaria." My (mother) said.

Wait... hold up!

Varlette... as in The Varlette of Nani? Kore Wa Aideshou Ka!? The One that will be killed in every path!!!

By what I meant that Varlette will be killed in every path, I mean it... Every. Single. Ending! Good, Neutral, or Bad— she will still get murdered.

In Alyster's, from Defense Royalty (aka The Perverted Stalker), route:

•Good Ending:Because of the Varlette's jealousy of Leah's coronation as the queen, she pushed Leah into the fast current lake, Leah fell into the lake and was about to drown until Alyster saw her during his daily walk through the forest to ensure ...

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•Good Ending:
Because of the Varlette's jealousy of Leah's coronation as the queen, she pushed Leah into the fast current lake, Leah fell into the lake and was about to drown until Alyster saw her during his daily walk through the forest to ensure no enemies infiltrate the King's territory.

He then saved her and asked the heroine, "Who's the attacker?"

In which she reluctantly replied that it was Varlette, who already fled her crime scene as soon she pushed Leah.

Alyster, who was deeply in love with Leah, decided to avenge poor Leah by stalking Varlette and making her paranoid to the point of insanity. Varlette's death flag started by being lured in the lake at midnight by Alyster in which he holds her late mother's necklace. He then asked her to remove her shoes in exchange for her necklace, in which she complied. But he threw it anyway in the lake in its most dangerous time when the tides were high and the currents were aggressive. Mentally unstable and desperate, she didn't hesitate and started to go after the necklace. When she suddenly realized that she was drowning, she asked him for his help and yet Alyster just stared at her with no emotion. That was her death, drowning and her reason for that was suicide because Alyster meticulously placed her shoes by the lakeshore as if she killed herself.

A few months later, Leah chose Alyster as her King and they lived happily ever after as the ruler of Elysia

•Neutral Ending:
In Leah's Coronation Ceremony as being a Queen, she declined but instead, she let her father, Prince Feceous Krah Pei Nefaria (Fee-see-yoos Krah Pehy Neh-fah-ree-yah) as the King as her place. In which KING Feceous let Leah choose her fiance for her generosity. She then chose Alyster as her fiance.

Meanwhile, King Feceous declared that his other Daughter, Varlette, shall be punished for all of her misdeeds by stripping her title as a Princess and to let her live as a commoner. The King send her off to a faraway land to redeem herself. During her trip to an unknown land, a robbery raided her carriage and was killed on spot.

A few months later with a blessing from the King, Leah and Alyster went to another country to start a new life as a villager. Nobody knew where they are but rumors said that they live in normal life.

Bad Ending:
Varlette was coronated as a Queen of Elysia. Her first decree is to send Leah into execution tomorrow. In a rage, Alyster stalks Varlette into her room at night and waited ever so patiently until she fell asleep. During her sleep, Alyster chloroformed her so when he carried her, she won't wake up. He brought her sleeping body into the dungeon where Leah was at.

Leah had a sac on her pitiful face while being chained up on the wall. When Alyster saw her, all he saw is red with anger. He dropped Varlette not caring if she was hurt and went immediately to Leah. Using his skills, he unlocked her chains and carefully removed the sac off of her head. Leah was unconscious. He then undressed both women and exchanged their clothes; making it sure that Varlette has a gag on her mouth so nobody will know who she was. Now, Varlette was now in the dungeon dressed as Leah with a sac on her head and being chained up on a wall while Leah was dressed as Varlette—still unconscious in the arms of Alyster.

Early in the morning, execution happened. Varlette was mistaken as Leah and was beheaded in a guillotine. It was all too late when everyone realized that it was Varlette who had been beheaded.

Leah was already conscious before Varlette's demised. Stressed and traumatized, she decided to leave Alyster's room and sneaked out to another place—purposely not wanting to inform Alyster; she wanted to go any places as long as she was far away from Elysia. When Alyster came back after cooking her a meal, she was already gone. He was terrified and felt hurt. He searched and searched but it was unsuccessful. Losing hope and became depressed, he quit being the Defender and let himself swallowed by grief and despair.

Many years later... The Kingdom was no longer beautiful and pristine as it was before. No one knows where Leah is and neither is the greatest Defender in the history of Elysia, Alyster.

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