Chapter 9

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The match had begun: Jungkook stood in front of Y/N with fierce dark eyes, his stance showed that he was prepared for whatever was about to come.

Y/N had never felt this nervous before. Whenever she went against Jungkook, she was determined and confident, but this time the sick feeling of nervousness wouldn't leave her stomach. Her eyebrows were knitted with uncertainty.

As the whistle blew, Y/N was immediately greeted by a roundhouse kick. She went back but still stayed on her feet, her surprised face met with Jungkook's deadly glare.

"I'm won't hold back."

What am I supposed to do?

Y/N had never once fought with Jungkook where he didn't hold back. She remembered how much it hurt when he kicked her on the head. She wondered where she got all that courage from in all those previous matches against him. She now felt fear, the trembles her knees emitted were hard to control. Her forehead was freckled with sweat drops, her fringe sticking against it. The way her breathing was uneven and hard to perform confirmed that what she was feeling was fear. But why was she afraid?

Why did her eyes focus only on Jungkook's dark orbs, glistening with power, glaring at her with dominance? Why was she so aware of his stance, how his fists protected him from her? Y/N tried to fit the pieces together, only for them to break away before she could even try.

A kick from Jungkook got her back to reality as she barely managed to dodge it. A shaky breath left her mouth as she carefully realized what situation she was in before a spin kick had hit her directly on the head. She fell down and immediately looked up at Jungkook, who still had a frosty glare on his face. His eyes challenged her, asking her whether she would get up or not. His arms were folded, looking at her as though he was disappointed. Y/N could tell he wanted to scold her, even though he remained tight-lipped with his stern expression. He wanted to scold her for becoming so weak – she wanted to scold herself for becoming so weak.

Yes, she was weak. She was weak because she never had a plan. She was weak because she always rushed into fights without thinking. She was weak because she wouldn't be able to do what Hyun Soo asked her to. She was weak because she was trying to win something that she was going to lose anyway –

Y/N got up and readied into her stance. The thought of losing sent a fresh wave of fear that swallowed her up, a single sweat drop travelling down her spine. It suddenly made sense now; she wasn't scared of Jungkook beating her, she was scared of losing to Jungkook. She was so scared of losing to him that the symptoms were evident on her body. She was scared of breaking Hyun Soo's promise. She was scared of losing the match, of losing the black belt, of losing Jungkook.

She was not going to lose – because everything that she cared for was on the line. Her best friend, the black belt . . . and Jungkook.

So she kept his words and began to fight, without always being on the offensive, without leaving any openings. She waited for Jungkook to attack her and then blocked the kick, attacking right after she had gotten him by surprise. She tried not to let the crowds' 'oooooh's and 'aaaaaaahh's get her overconfident. Even though her knees were shaking, she kicked at him with as much force she could collect.




Her scores began rising to match up to Jungkook's, and eventually surpassed his own. She stopped herself from doing that stupid mistake of attacking even though her score was higher.

8 to 10

The last ten seconds the match. She wasn't going to attack, no matter what. She wasn't going to lose. She stayed on the defensive, blocking and dodging Jungkook's attacks, the panic seeping into his features was evident.

The whistle was the last thing she heard. The crowd started cheering and whistling but all Y/N saw and focused on was Hyun Soo, smiling at her from the crowd serenely. He pointed at her opponent with his eyes and smiled, giving her a thumbs up and slowly backing away into the crowd.

Her eyes finally drifted towards Jungkook. His face resembled satisfactory defeat. He looked up at her with big eyes and flashed her his bunny smile that she came to find so adorable. He walked towards her until there was only an inch of air remaining between their bodies.

"I guess it can't be helped," Jungkook said as he untied his black belt. He untied her red belt as well, and tied the red belt on his waist, then tied the black belt on hers. "I'm a red belter now," he grinned.

Y/N, for the first time in hours, smiled from ear to ear. It was almost to unreal to be real. She had finally done it!

She glanced down at her black belt, then looked back up at him. He was stilling grinning cutely from ear to ear.

"It's all yours," he smiled, "and so am I."

The class ended up with Y/N capturing Jungkook's lips between hers. 

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