Dreams & Music

577 14 2

I woke up in a white room with a bed and door I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

" dad?" I said running my fingers through my hair

" Subject 01 is ready for the coming test." A voice said through the speakers " please walk into the other room please."
I looked at the door and it opened I walked inside with the doors slamming shut behind me.

" Dad?" I asked once again the room I was in was made of glass the floor was a cold tile. I was only wearing a wet suit which struck me as odd.

" What's going on? Dad please!" Water started to pour down and ile up the glass tank I was in

" Shit... Dad! Help!" I tried to evaporate it but my powers weren't working thats when I started to panic

" Its ok sweetie if it fills up you wont die right?" My dad said walking in the room

" What? Yes but what dose this have to do with anything?!" I feel tears swelling up in my eyes

" It will show me your real."

I pounded at the glass " NO! I am real let me out I dont want to drown! Natasha! Help"

She seemed to be watching the whole time just smiling

The water was almost to the top i held my breath right when it filled up I was still pounding on the glass screaming I couldn't  hold my breath any longer

I could feel the water fill my lungs as I died with my family watching.

I gasp for breath looking around my room " dad?!" I screamed as I started to have trouble breathing " DAD!" I screamed I could feel the building shake I was losing control I needed to breath calmly. I heard the door open and see Loki he kneels in front of me his hands on my face

" are you ok?" He asked his green eyes wide with fear

" my dad where is he?"

" not here he stepped out for a few hours."

I didn't know why I grabbed him tightly but it helped calm down as I started to cry onto his shoulder he rubbed my back and whispered nice things in my ear saying it was ok, I didn't need to worry, and that i was fine he was here.

" What's wrong?" He asked me

" I had a nightmare..."

He nodded he understood I know he did I remember the nights he would call me to his chambers

" I hate dying it hurts..." I sobbed

" I have faith you will find the one you love."

" Gods I hope so." I let him go and paused he was wearing mortal clothes a black with green long sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans " your clothes?"

" You dont like them?"

" No I love them they suit you Haha you look like Tom Hiddleston!" I laughed 

" Who?" He raised an eye brow

" Look." I got up and grabbed my signed picture of him he blinked and laughed

" I look like this mortal? His hair is brown love!"

I blushed " he has dyed his hair black you know."

" No I look nothing like him."

I punched his arm " yes you do!"

" Whatever you say." He stood up and held out his hands " you feel better?"

I nodded and took his hand " thank you Loki."

He smiled which made my heard skip a beat " hey um do you want to help me with my music im having trouble trying to get the guy part..." I coughed

He raised an eye brow " sure but I dont know how to sing..."

" Trust me you don't need to sing I have someone coming over his name is Shawn."

He raised an eyebrow " Shawn?"

" Yha he's really popular so I asked if he wanted to do a song together we wrote it together."

" What's it call?"

" Senorita."

I heard a knock and walled to the door seeing him smiling " hey (y/n)!"

" Hey Shawn you ready?"

" Always." He looked at Loki " who is this?"

" This is Loki he's going to listen to us he not professional but I mean I want to know what he thinks."

Shawn nodded. We all walked to my personal studio in the tower

" Damn this girl looks just like you." Shawn said looking at the screen of his phone

I looked at his phone " oh her Yha I get that a lot." I cleared my throat

Loki looked at the video " why is it so blurry?"

" Someday she makes it like that because with other hero's its clear except her." Shawn answered

He looked at me I could feel it but I ignored him and turned the lights on " ok Loki put these on." He put the headphones and so did me and Shawn

" Be honest and tell us what you think press this botton to start the song."

We walked in and started when I signals Loki

When we finished I hugged him " we did it!"

" We did you were recording right?"

I nodded he wrapped his arm around me but quickly pushed it away but before I ran off he grabbed my wrist

" You want to go out?" He asked

" Shawn your know--"

" Well Yha but ."

" No I cant im sorry."

I walked away and asked what Loki thought " that was really good!"

" Thank you!" I punched his shoulder " Shawn you can go ill give it to your manager."

He nodded and walked away " call me later alright!"

" Ok!"

Loki looked at me " are you two?"

" No not allowed to date anyone that is not my um true love..."

" Why?"

" Because one kiss can kill them it has happened before."

" What?"

" Lets talk about somewhere else."

I know lame chapter! But it will get good promise I might be updating more after new years! I have been grounded Soooooo sorry

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