Prolouge (Background Information)

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Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes life is very hard. And sometimes life can be so hard that you just want to give up on it. Other time you just have to stop and wonder why your life is so miserable. In those tough times you just have wonder what horrible thing that you did in a past life that could even equal part of the bad karma that you received for it. At other times you can just be over whelmed with feelings of your every day life. People being over come with dread and helplessness in large waves because of their everyday life.

Well to progress this story on, let's start with some background information. A long time ago, a woman by the name of Jung Lu-Na. She was young and beautiful omega, smart, kind and caring. One of the sweetest people that you'll ever meet in your life. And this all started with her falling in love in high school at the tender age of 17. The boy in question, was at the time thought to be her prince charming. Everyone believed him to be her knight in white, shinning armor, a perfect alpha who would take her away from her low income family and change her life for the better. He changed her life alright, just not in the way that everyone thought that he would. The young couple hadn't been in love long before she had discovered that she was pregnant with his child. When she finally worked up the nerve to tell him about the baby was when her world came crashing down on her. Turns out that her knight in shinning armor was a wolf in sheep's clothing. She had came to find out that he was just using her until he found somebody else better than her. To say that she was devastated was a very large understatement. A week after she told her now ex-boyfriend was when she was finally able to work up the nerve to tell the big news to her parents. The Jungs were not happy, they were furious about the news. Now don't get them wrong they weren't that mad at their daughter, since they had no room to talk since they weren't that much older than her when she was born. Her parents were more mad at the baby's father, since they thought that he was better than that. They loved him, and even though he was her first love, they thought that he had a very good chance at being the one. Instead he was a no good two-bit hooded scumbag who took advantage of their daughter. Then about 9 months later on February 14,1997 Lu-Na gave birth to her oldest song Jung Jaehyun. He was the spitting image of his father Yoonoh. And for the longest time she would call him that whenever he would get in trouble or misbehave when he was told not to do something.

The first couple of years with baby Jaehyun were a bit rocky at first. Lu-Na had to juggle school and taking care of her baby for over a year, but she did make it to graduating high school. Even though she was a teen mom she was still at the top of her class the year she graduated. Along with the help of her parents after she finished high school she enrolled in a local university. She was even able to get herself a job to help pay for school and raising her son. Things were good for the most part after that. She was a promising student in her business course and her son was growing strong and healthy. That was until she met the next man to take hold of her heart. His name was Na Lee, he was her senior by 2 years, a star in the same course as she. He was the finance department's golden boy. He was on the fast track ti graduating early, and he already had a lot of businesses wanting him once he got his degree. Lee was the man that girls wanted to be with and that other men wanted to be. He was kind, generous, loving, a true gentleman. And he swept Lu-Na off her feet the first time that they met. He turned her world upside down. And yet again the young couple hadn't been going out that long when Lu-Na discovered for the second time that she was pregnant. She didn't know what to do in this situation, Lee was special to her, and treated her better than Yoonoh ever did. She felt guilty because he had his whole future ahead of him and it was a bright one at that too. She knew that if she were to tell him about this baby then he would drop everything for her and come back to help support and take care of her family like a proper man, a proper Alpha should. She knew that he would do that in a heartbeat and thus would throw his whole life away for her. She remembers how easily he had clicked when he was first introduced him to baby Jaehyun. It was like he was his own son, and not many alphas do that with other alphas' children. Lu-Na couldn't so that to him, so she made the executive decision to not tell him about her pregnancy. She went and broke up with him about 2 weeks before he was set to graduate, and the two went their separate ways. He went on to graduate early, at the top of his class and then no long after he excepted a job and moved to America. While she had to eventually drop out of her intended major so that she could still work and provide for small family along with being a mother to her children once her new baby would be born. And about 6 months later, which was about 1 and a half months earlier than expected on August 13,2000 her second son Na Jaemin was born.

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