Chapter 1

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The sound of his alarm clock going off was what woke Jaemin up. He rolled over and turned his alarm off. Looking at the clock, he could see that it was almost 7. He huffed softly to himself. Great. He had to go to school today, what joy. He had no problem with school, he really didn't, in fact Jaemin was one of the top students in his class. It's just that he had had roughly about an hour of sleep last night at the most. He had been up all night with a powerful strong bout of insomnia. So, he spent the whole night laying in bed on his side, and starring out his bedroom window. He had to be quiet since his little brother Jisung was a sleep in the top-bunk of their bunk bed. Though it probably wouldn't have made a difference anyway if he brought a whole herd of elephants into the room. Jisung sleeps like the dead, and a complete monsoon couldn't even stir him in the slightest. Jaemin's only other problem is their older brother Jaehyun. Since Jaehyun has 2 part time jobs, and is in his third year of college, he hardly sleeps. And when he does, he's the complete opposite of Jisung. He's the lightest sleeper ever in the world, the only competition that he has is Jaemin himself. So Jaemin remained quiet as not to disturb him. He doesn't want to be a burden on the only family that he has left in the world.

After laying in bed for a couple of minutes, Jaemin finally gives in and gets up to start his day. Once he made his bed, he climbs up the latter to try and wake up his little brother. "Jisung, Jisung-ah wake up..." Jaemin says as he shakes his little brother's shoulders. He hates this part of his morning, mainly because it's so hard to wake Jisung up and keep him like that. To reiterate once again, Jisung sleeps like the dead and no type of alarm clock could ever wake him up on the 10th try, must less the 1st. Jaemin and Jaehyun should know this they've tried everything to wake that boy up! And speaking of his older brother, Jaemin should probably go and check and see if he's awake too. Jaehyun's normally up with Jaemin on most days, but when he gets busy with work and school sometimes he forgets to set his alarm a lot. Hence, why Jaemin tends to act as a human alarm clock for his two brothers on a regular basis.

Once Jaemin can successfully get Jisung up, and after he's checked on Jaehyun he begins on the next part of his day. Jaemin heads to the kitchen yo begin cooking breakfast for his family. He likes to cook, he finds it to be very relaxing, and a calming activity to do when he's stressed. (Jaehyun and Jisung along with everyone else that knows him will tell you he's a compulsive stress baker to the max." It also reminds him of when he was little and he used to help his mother in the kitchen. It always brings a sad smile to his face when Jaemin thinks about his mother. He loves her still to this day and wants to always remember her, but it hurts a lot to think about her sometimes too. So cooking is a bitter sweet hobby to have for him. Every time he's in the kitchen he thinks about how happy he was as a child with his mom, brothers, and step-father.

Jaemin grewup without knowing who his biological father is. And so did Jaehyun in a sense, when he (Jaehyun) was 15 he had found one of our mother's old dairies by accident when we were cleaning our house one day. It was around that same time that Jaehyun and their mother used to fight a lot. Their fights mainly consisted about Jaehyun's biological father and why he wasn't allowed to know who he was. Jaemin could remember them fighting with each other when they thought that both he and Jisung were asleep in their beds at night. And with it being not that long after the shooting, Jisung's father wasn't there to act as a buffer and monitor for their fights. When his older brother had found the dairy, it was a couple of months before their mother ended up dying in the fire at the law office. So Jaeyhun read it and found out what his father's name was. He never told Jaemin what his name was. He didn't want him to be involved incase their mother ever found out what he was doing. He decided to look him up even though they were told their whole lives that a dead-beat, especially by their grandmother. When Jaehyun had finally found him, he discovered that he was in prison serving a 25 year sentence for armed robbery. Now, Jaehyun isn't one to show his true feelings and emotions willingly, but Jaemin knows that it broke his heart when he found out the truth about his father even more than it was before. For you see Jaemin was always confused about why his brother about why his brother went looking for his father since he hated him, with a burning passion, ever since he was old enough to understand the situation that he left their mother in. He hated that he just dumped their mother like a sack of potatoes when she told him that she was pregnant with Jaehyun. Jaemin himself felt a little more indifferent about his own father. Since their grandmother was the only one who would talk about him, she was his only source of information. She used to sit him down and tell him stories about him. He was told that he had left for a job in America before his mother could tell him that he was pregnant with him. Jaemin used to wonder what it would be like to have him around when he was little before she married Jisung's father, what their lives would have been like if he had stayed. Now, again don't get him wrong he loved and still loves Jisung father like they were blood related, him and Jaehyun both. He was the only father that they all 3 had ever known. He was a good man, who treated Jaemin and Jaehyun like they were his own blood sons, and he was good to the both of them. Though that fact didn't squash his curiosity about his own father though over the years.

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