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Hello, everybody

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Hello, everybody. You are now about to read "The guardians of Aneroma". I hope you enjoy the story. This is my first original novel and honestly, it was quite nice writing that.

Just wanted to clarify that the cover of this story is made by the talented

All of the characters and plot are created by me and any identicalness of any real entity or fictional character is most likely coincidental.

This is draft two, which means this has been rewritten and has become a better version of what it once had been. The new updated chapters will be launched every friday.

You may notify me of any grammatical mistakes in a private message, though, this has gone through a series of delightful hardworking beta-readers so I doubt you would find any.

That being said, enjoy reading the story and please, do let me know if you liked it.

Make sure you give your votes to this story and shower me with comments! I instantly reply. :)

That was Aya Saleh Gracedp123, signing off.

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The Guardians Of AneromaWhere stories live. Discover now