On The Move

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Lunch showed Lightning and Doc sitting at a cafe in Gallup after dealing with a few lucky fans.

Lightning couldn't understand how Doc could just wake up after sleeping in the Hornet and get to driving. Those bench seats were comfy, like a couch, but a couch is still not a bed. Either Way, whatever worry Lightning had about Doc driving so much was further vanquished.

They had arrived in Gallup right at the start of the afternoon, parked along Maine street, and set off to explore. It was apparent fast that this town was known for its artwork, most buildings had mural advertising the business that owned the spot. There were grand, beautiful a murals depicting the history of Gallup, the past to the present.  Some art was painted on, others were stencilled, a few were airbrushed. Doc could appreciate art, Lightning could too, but he was definitely better at decidedly wowing over everything, much to Doc's amusement. As they toured the area eventually Lightning had commented on how much Ramone would have liked this town, due to his past in mural works.

Doc had offhandedly mentioned that Ramone had actually gotten quite the fine for some graffitiing here.

"What? No way, where?" Lightning was probably in more awe than he had been looking at any of the murals.

Doc simply shrugged. "Dunno, mighta been painted over."

Apparently that wasn't exactly the best answer, for suddenly he was being dragged on an art hunt down every alley way and building side. When one wipe down of the town proved fruitless, Doc had raised his brows and questioned if they were ready for lunch. He couldn't have gotten a better response.

"You might, but I'm not."

Doc shook his head in mirth as Lightning took off for a second look, and turned in to the small market he was currently in front of.

In the end, Lightning had found what he was looking for, storming into the poor market so he could show Doc, completely missing the glare that said "calm down" in all his excitement.

The offending art ended up being Ramones signature flames, with his name going across in a gradient of green to purple in a sharp, blocky font, underlined with a classic pin striping design. Painted, or perhaps written, underneath the piece that was only a couple feet by two feet, was the simple statement. "Car practice."

Full of amusement, Doc simply lamented. "Idiot. Writing his name."

Lightning laughed, tracing over the more sun weathered and beaten parts of the art. "Ramone is gonna ask now when I laugh at the site of his car."


Lightning felt up his pockets suddenly, digging out his phone and swiping open the camera and snapping a photo. He hummed, noting the quality didn't do the paint justice before standing and shrugging.

It was getting on in time now, the sun overhead, and the day was one of warmth not quite tipping over into being hot.

"How about lunch, old man?"

"That was my question, what, half an hour ago?"

"I'll take that as a yes."


Half an hour later, after finishing lunch, they were rolling back through town and out of it to the next. Lightning groaned at how full he was, complaining about how much food these diners gave them and how it was decidedly not good for his physique. Doc had simply rolled his eyes as he pulled out onto the road.

"You don't have to eat everything."

"But then I'm wasting food. The icebox is already full."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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