Wonderland - 3

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 --- Disclaimer ---  All characters are fiction, and belong to their creators. This story was made for the purpose of reading, not to gain any type of money of profit. All rights reserved and given to the owners of all existing characters involved.   

                                                                                - - - - Alice - - - -

                                                              Two Days After Johanna Chapter

No one gave a shit. She decided this while going to sleep, tears streaming down her face, leaving little llines of salt dried on her face, that she'd have to scrub off in the morning. Nothing new about that. BUt she was too tired to care, in too much pain to live. "Alices Adventures in Wonderland."  That name had haunted her scince she had been told it was about her. Poking a bit of fun at her mental disorder in the form of a childrens book. As if to say, "HAHAHAHA!!! You're maniaclly depressed and have hallucinations on top of it all. NANANABOOBOO!" Not to mention the dreams. Dreams so terrifying, she couldn't even think about them for fear of breaking down into a panic attack. Every single one ending with her getting hurt, or dying, all of them twisted jokes about the characters in the book. The Mad Hatter raped her. The Red Queen beheaded her. The Cheshire Cat ate her. The White Rabbit sold her to slavers, where she adventually died of exhaustion.

They were terrifying, and she had no one, not one person to talk to.  No one to give her a hug, rock her slowly back and forth, whisper every so gently in her ear, "It's going to be alright," and even though she wouldn't believe them, it would still feel better to know at least they thought that. But no one was there giving her that hug, no one noticed her long enough to give her hope. So every night, she'd lie in bed, silent tears of pain, neglect and fear running down her face, and eventually fall asleep, when her tears ran out. A deep and dreamless sleep.

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