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Part 1 Chapter 2

| Raid wakes up on a lab table with virtual reality simulator goggles on and Deathstroke standing on his left over top of him. He sits up and throws the goggles at a screen where Azrael and Ravager were standing looking at.|

Raid - DAMN IT!

Deathstroke (to Raid)- Luthor worked hard on those...

Raid (to Deathstroke)- Why were you so adamant on pulling me out. I could've finished the mission without fighting Nightwing.

Deathstroke (to Raid) - In reality there would be no running from him. You would have to stand your ground. This simulation just goes to show you're not ready for solo ops.

Raid (to Deathstroke) - I had him...his back was turned...I HAD HIM!

Ravager (to Raid) - Pitiful

|Ravager walks out of the lab in the disgust but just before the door closes|

Ravager (to Deathstroke) - All that training...wasted...

Azrael (to Raid) - you know where to find me...

|Azrael walks out of the lab behind Ravager|

Raid (to Deathstroke) - Would you really just abandon me over one mistake?

|Deathstroke walks over and picks up the goggles and walks back to the table Raid is sitting and sets them down|

Deathstroke (to Raid) - you have valuable skills I couldn't just let go to the case of you disobeying my direct orders in the field I would simple send one of your comrades to dispose of you and drop your body in the Lazarus and make you a new...I would then repeat the process until you learn this very simple lesson. My rules are law. And my Laws are not to be broken. And my only rule is do as I would do and do as I say.

|And with that said Deathstroke walks out of the lab leaving Raid alone to replay those words over and over in his head|

~So I guess there is some truth to virtual reality after all~

|Raid then gets up and leaves the lab and heads to the training room where Azrael is waiting for him. As he walks down the hall he bumps into Black Hood aka Red Hood|

Black Hood (to Raid) - Move. Wait. Where's Slade?

Raid (to Black Hood) - You go find him I'm busy.

|Black Hood walks past Raid then stops|

Black Hood (to Raid)- I won't go easy on you like Greyson would so watch it.

~ So he seen it to...Damn it. The last person I want watching me fail. What is he even still doing here. After crossing the line with Batman he was outcasted now he goes by Black Hood and all he wants to do kill. I guess that's what the Lazarus pit does to you~

Raid (to Black Hood) - How many times have you been brought back?

|Black Hood walks away|

Black Hood (to Raid) - once is enough.

|Raid enters the training grounds where multiple goons in Deathstroke mask are practicing. He sees Cheshire talking to Ravager|

~They are most likely deciding which one of them are going to attempt to kill me if it comes to it I should go give them both a shot right now~

|Just as Raid starts to walk over to them Azrael comes falling from the roof of the training grounds and throws a swift kick at Raid. Raid dodges the kick and pushes two goons out of his way and gets into a fighting stance.|

Raid (to Azrael)- No warning. No 1 2 3 Go? Just vicious.

Azrael (to Raid) - You must be ready for the unexpected. And it was clear as day that you aren't.

|Azrael looks over at Ravager and Cheshire|

Azrael (to Ravager and Cheshire) - Help me teach Raid here what happens when you ignore direct orders.

| Cheshire moves to Raids left And Ravager moves to the right leaving Raid with nowhere to run...not like he would run. Cheshire lunges at Raid but instead of blocking her he runs towards Ravager and bluffs a kick to make her block when she blocks he runs up her body and performs a backflip over Cheshire. Azrael is standing behind Raid when he lands and deals a furious kick to his back knocking him back towards the girls |

~ They seem to be getting a kick out of kicking me...and I'm sure Slade is somewhere watching this.~

Cheshire (to Raid) - wanna fight us 1 on 1? Make it a little bit easier for you?

Ravager (to Raid) - or how about you go grab your Kunai.

Azrael (to Raid) - battles aren't won by making the odds must make every move an advantage for the next.

|So that's exactly what Raid did. Cheshire charges in again this time she goes for a high punch then switches to a leg sweep but Raid jumps over it and gets kick out air by Ravager into a training weapons rack.She still seemed pretty pissed about his last attack|

Raid - You all are just stepping stones to my rise.

Ravager (to Raid)- hmmph.

|Ravager walks over to one of the grunts and takes his training sword so Cheshire does the same Azrael takes a step back and to allow the battle to become a 1 on 2. Raid grabs a bo staff off the floor from the weapons rack he fall into.|

~ Azrael stepped back but I'll still watch him and as for Cheshire and Ravager...~

|Ravager and Cheshire move in slowly towards Raid as he backs up a little trying to create space. He then stops and Ravager takes the first swing aiming directly for his head. With Quick movements Raid ducks her attack and leg sweeps her with his bo staff and gets back in a defensive position and counters Cheshire sneak attack. With his counter he hits Cheshire in the wrist disarming her and kicks her in the gut knocking her down. He then raises his bo staff in the air blocking an incoming head kick from Azrael. By time he gets back into a defensive position again all three of his opponents are back up and ready for another attack. But Slade and Black Hood walks in.|

Deathstroke - Raid and Ravager come with me.

Raid (to Ravager Cheshire and Azrael) - Thanks for the warm up.

Azrael (to Raid) - you are highly skilled but you still have much to learn.

|Raid and Ravager begin to walk over to Deathstroke and Black Hood. Raid felt good about his training exercise. Being able to defend himself against the likes of The Fractions best fighters. But just as he thought it was over Ravager grabs him by the arm flips over him and puts him in an armbar and breaks his arm.|

Ravager (to Raid)- Next time it won't be a 1 on 3.

|As Raid lays on the training grounds floor he sees Ravager walk up to Deathstroke and Blackhood then all three of them walk out of the training room leaving him behind.|

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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